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Questions tagged [stage-ros]

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Point cloud data appear in free space in stage_ros simulation

Hi everyone, I am trying to simulate world model via stage_ros package. However, I found that there are simulated point cloud appearing in the free space, as shown in the figure below. I found that ...
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how gmapping gather odom data?

Hi I am using stage_ros to simulation slam. The Gmapping works but I noticed that stage_ros is publishing "nav_msgs/Odometry" information under the topic /odom. While the gammping node is ...
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nav2d stage to gridmap transformation

Hi, I'm using nav2d in ros kinetic. The configuration is the one of tutorial3.launch. During the navigation I printed the start and goal coordinates used by the ...
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Simulating range sensors in Stage and publishing to ROS

According to the Stage Manual (, the generic ranger model that was introduced in Stage 4 should be able to ...
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Inconsistency between move_base and stage_ros

Hi, I'm using move_base and stage_ros in the indigo release and I'm getting a strange behavior of the simulated robot. I'll try to explain it with an example: I have a map which is loaded both by the ...
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setting argument for teleop twist keyboard in launch file

Hi, I am learning gmapping, rviz and map_server. I created launch file which will launch stage_ros, teleop_twist_keyboard, gmapping with purpose creating a map as below: ...
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hector_exploration_controller publishs twist really slowly

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stage_ros indigo building error

Hi all, I am trying to install ros on MacOs Yosemite and I have a problem with the stage_ros package. It fails when I try to compile it without any reason. In the following, you can find the output: <...
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How do I install Stage and stage_ros?

I'm a bit new on ROS and I'm having some difficulties installing Stage on my computer. I'm trying to install this package and I git cloned ...
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How to replace a robot in stage_ros

Hello, Does anyone know how can I replace a robot (like teleport it), let's say to coordinates 0,0,0 while using stage simulator [Ros] ? I tried publishing in various topics as /Odom or /...
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How to interpret and use the values of the message type 'sensor_msgs/LaserScan'?

Hi, I am using the following package: stage_ros and the node stageros. I want to understand the topic published 'base_scan' that has a message type of 'sensor_msgs/...
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Hydro Ubuntu 12.04 and Stage - Can't open roomba-world

Hi, I'm using hydro and Ubuntu 12.04 and I'm trying to follow this tutorial. I downloaded stage_controllers, but when I try to launch the world this is what I get. Can anybody help me? From another ...
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Stage for Indigo allows more than one laser?

I remember that package ros_stage in fuerte/electric didn't allowed it. I found a thread where they made a patch (, formerly http://ros-...
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Issues installing stage/stage_ros from source on hydro

Hello All, So I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 13.04 at which time I was forced to switch from ROS fuerte to one of the newer distros, in this case Hydro. I have been working on developing my own "...
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