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LaserScan definition detail question

as a developer/tester of a sensor node, I wonder if there is any more detailed definition of fields in a LaserScan message? For example, the angle_min and angle_max are named "min" and "...
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How to publish +Inf and -Inf in sensor_msgs/Range?

From the documentation, if value of sonar is more than max range, +Inf should be published. Similarly for min range and -Inf. But how do I do that? The script would only accept float values. ...
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range data in rviz

i want to test my ultrasonic sensor, i am trying to see them in rviz as range, but there is nothing here is my 'rostopic echo /sensor_us' : ...
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ROS Answers SE migration: range in rviz?

Hi everyone, I'm new to ROS and have a related question about it. how can I read the distance of an ultrasound sensor using rviz range? I don't know what to do. I have already registered the sensor. ...
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Range sensor does not detect objects in gazebo

Hi, I am new to ROS and try to create an urdf file to represent my robot in rviz and gazebo, but I can't get the range sensor to detect objects in the simulator. The message at /arduino/sensor/ir_left ...
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How to create new tf2::convert specialization?

Before you point me to tutorials, I've seen all the existing ones and have looked at tf2_eigen.h and tf2_bullet.h as examples. I created a new header file in my package, named tf2_range.hpp with ...
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Unknown noise in uwsim 3D range mapping

I am working with UWSim, and I have modelled a rotating multibeam on the AUV (like a lidar on a car) that maps the 3D surroundings of the robot, creating a "range map". I am facing a type of ...
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Simulating range sensors in Stage and publishing to ROS

According to the Stage Manual (, the generic ranger model that was introduced in Stage 4 should be able to ...
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How to configure navigation stack?

I know that there should be many tutorials about this but i can't find anything. I've just set publishers and subscribers for sensors stuff, odometry stuff and IMU. Now, how can i set everything to ...
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Message Type: Heading and Range

If you have a sensor with a beacon, which gives you the distance and the heading ( maybe Quaternion ) to the beacon, is there already a standard ROS message I could use for that? Regards, Christian ...
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Value of sensor_msgs/Range field of view for ultrasound sensors

I'm using SRF05 as backup sensors on my robot for some time, but have always wondered for the correct value of "field_of_view" in the Range message. According to
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Parameters for the new range_sensor_layer

Hi, Can someone please give an example of how to set the costmap parameters for the range_sensor_layer, recently added in Hydro ? (as of now, I am using IR sensors converted into a single cloud, but ...
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Static objects in Lidar view: set minimum distance or remove a sub-range of measurements

I have a Lidar which I can only mount on my robot in such a way that there is always a static obstacle (part of the robot) in the middle of the Lidar range. I am planning to use the Lidar for obstacle ...
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how to set max range on ir range finder sensor

Hi everyone, ROS noob here. Do any of you know how to set the max range on ir range finder sensor shown on this: For some reasons, the IR Range ...
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How to make a callback function for range topic

Hello, I am subscribing to a range message but am unsure what to do. I need to save the range value as a double into a global array variable. I have: ...
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Subscriber issue

What should I do if I want that the callBack function of a subscriber returns a value. In particular I have a subscriber that receive sensor_msgs/Range and I want the callBack function to return the ...
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Filtering spikes from range data

Hello, Is it possible to use the filters package to remove spikes from real-time range data returned from sonar or IR sensors? I have a small robot running ROS that uses a number of sonar and IR ...
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How to display more than 10 Range's in rviz?

I am fixing up the p2os stack for P3-AT Pioneers and have made quite good progress. I am currently working on displaying the ultrasonic range finder data in rviz but rviz refuses to display more than ...
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LaserScan ranges values - left and rightmost scans

I'm using a for loop to print out values retrieved from a Kinect LaserScan (specifically the "ranges" array). It returns 360 values, each with a number - most of the numbers are 11, but ...
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Kinect laser range - strange values

I'm trying to get several value from my turtlebot's kinect laser (specifically the left-most and right-most laser ranges). I'm currently reading the sensor_msgs/LaserScan ranges array for those ...
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Turtlebot - get distance from laser to wall

I am trying to get the distance between the turtlebot kinect laser to a wall - could someone point me in the right direction - i've just started using the turtlebot. Originally posted by AmaneSuzuha ...
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Current ROSJAVA message types

I am attempting to run the LIstener/Talker example with a Range sensor_msg instead of the string message, but I get the following error: ...
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