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Questions tagged [gps-common]

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How to have ros1_bridge handle external package name change?

I would like to use ros1_bridge to handle bridging a topic which uses the gps_common/GPSFix message. In ROS2 the gps_common package was renamed to gps_msgs. With ros1_bridge you normally handle that ...
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Convert gps_common/GPSFix to sensor_msgs/NavsatFix ERROR

Hi, I am trying to convert datas wich have the type gps_common/GPSFixpublished to sensor_msgs/NavsatFix using gps_common but I get this error ...
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Using GPS in RVIZ

Hi I have a GPS that connected to Arduino and publish Fix msg for longitude and latitude, and then convert it to UTM system. I am trying to preform an outdoor navigation while avoiding obstacle. I ...
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Covariance specified for measurement on topic gps is zero

When I tried to integrate gps data(from gps_common package) with robot_pose_ekf the above is the error I am facing.... Can anyone help me?? And even facing this error "filter time older than gps ...
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robot_localization adjusting launch file

Hello, I have a bagfile of a drive with a vehicle around a building. Inside there is a visual odometry topic (nav_msgs/Odometry Message), an IMU topic (sensor_msgs/Imu Message), a GPS topic (...
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Using robot_localization package

Hi, I'm trying to use the robot_localization package in my project to improve my turtlebot pose estimate. I've read the package page and the tutorials but I'm still ...
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Dynamically assigning covariance values to Odometry node

So I am working on using robot_pose_ekf as my only source of localization. Gmapping unfortunately is not applicable to my scenario since it only localizes the robot when there is scan data (meaning ...
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need to set up ros4mat. using Ros fuerte on ubuntu 12.04..... so when i do: rosmake ros4mat i get error

here is the output i get: This code block was moved to the following github gist: Originally posted by ...
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utm_odometry_node frame convention

Hello, I'm using the utm_odometry_node to input the position of my robot to another node. If I'm right the convention used in the /odom topic is: X axis points backwards Y axis points right Z axis ...
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gps_common installation

Hello, I', trying to plot GPS coordinates into a plot with meters unit. This answer suggested to use the gps_common package for this, but I haven't been able to install it. What I've tried: clone the ...
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4 answers

need help converting lat-long coordinates into meters

I have a bunch of coordinates captured from my gps in lat-long coordinates, the formatting is like so: lat: 43.47798167 # Latitude (degrees). Positive is north of equator; negative is south. long: -80....
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Using GPS's data with robot_pose_ekf in Gazebo simulation

Hi. I am now doing simulation of robot with a GPS sensor attached. The sensor plugin I used is the GPS plugin provided by the Hector team. The way I make use of the GPS data is as followed: I use the ...
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Odd Field "dip" in gps_common::GPSFix message type

I've been assessing whether this message type is appropriate for use with my Novatel GPS + IMU system, but raised an eyebrow when "dip" followed "pitch" and "roll". Where'...
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How to get /fix on NMEA data emitted on a TCP port

I have a process emitting NMEA packets, similar to what gpsd does, on a TCP port . How do I use gspd_client on this port so that I can get the fix and extended_fix rostopics? Is there any other way ...
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How to use a gps to generate a map

I was wondering, if its possible to use the /odom(obtained from converting lat and longitude from gps) to generate a map. Am using a Xsens mti_g device. Using cyphy lab ros driver Converted the lat ...
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gpsd_client help please, can't see data on fix topic

Hi, I'm trying to follow the tutorial for gpsd_client, but it's not quite working. I'm running ROS Diamondback on Ubuntu 10.04, and just downloaded the latest gps_umd files. Everything works fine ...
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utm_odometry_node fails to build

On a fresh checkout of gps_common , my utm_odometry_node fails to build, citing the error: ...
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calculate NavSatFix covariance

This is with reference to: I am wondering how can I see the code behind position_covariance data ...
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GPSFix doesn't match Rosbag MessageInstance type

I am using Diamondback. I have a captured bag file with data from a number of sensors. I am iterating over the bag file, and initiating a callback function ...
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Conversion accuracy from (latitude, longitude) to (x,y) by utm_odometry_node

I wrote node for subscribing to the odom topic(nav_msgs/Odometry) at which utm_odometry_node publish results of conversion from (latitude, longitude)(degres)to (x,y)(meters). So my question is is that ...
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