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Questions tagged [camera-driver]

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Additional Arguments to dynamic reconfigure callback

(also posted as issue on dynamic reconfigure git, possibly not appropriate for there) I am trying to use dynamic configure to set some camera parameters. I would like to pass a pointer to the camera ...
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How to develop ROS camera driver?

Hello, I am new to driver development. So, what are the basic requirements to develop ROS camera driver? Thank you. Originally posted by SumitP on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2018-02-20 Post score: ...
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Why is the image from PointGray camera displaying in grayscale?

I'm pulling an image stream from a PointGrey camera using the FlyCapture SDK. When I display the camera feed in PointGrey's FlyCap2, the image displays in color, but when I look at the feed in RVIZ (...
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Use of CSI-2 Based cameras on Jetson TX-2 for mapping

Hi all, Im planning to develop a platform with Nvidia Tx-2 and 5 cameras. I'm trying to choose a camera and 'm really confused. I was thinking of choosing CSI-2 cameras as TX-2 has 6 CSI-2 ports, but ...
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camera calibration service not available (specific driver for VRMagic)

Hello all; I am using "camera calibration" node to calibrate a stereo system based on a VRMagic D3 stereo camera. The driver I am using to obtain the images from the camera is "...
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Fotonic depth camera in ROS

Hi guys, I'm now trying to use a Fotonic depth camera in ROS and the camera is not covered by ROS. They do have a Linux API and they already provide some SDK for me.
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Raspberry Pi CSI Camera Driver/Support

I am thinking on buying one of the just-released Pi Cameras, a camera that seems to communicate with a Raspberry Pi module through CSI (Camera Serial Interface). Is there support for the CSI cameras ...
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Read images from disk, publish as camera

I have a dataset of images on disk, along with a set of camera parameters (though they are not in ROS camera_info file format). I am trying to make a node that reads and publish de images in round ...
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How to add prefix to "/set_camera_info" service?

Hi all, I'm trying to advertise a camera image+info in order to calibrate it. I create my info manager like follows : ...
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rosrun gscam on ubuntu 11.10

I am using ROS electric on Ubuntu 11.10. I have installed gscam and its rosmake was successfully. For running gscam, as in the gscam wiki is mentioned, I did these steps: roscd gscam cd bin export ...
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camera drivers with autofocus

Do you know any driver for ros that support camera with autofocus please? Thank you! Originally posted by banacer on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2011-12-14 Post score: 0
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Ladybug Camera Driver

Is there a Point Grey Ladybug camera around? I am aware that the "pan" command from the IEEE1394 protocol can be used to access the individual cameras but when moving at high velocities ...
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rosdep: trouble installing packages in Diamondback (prosilica_camera)

I recently installed Diamondback using the standard install method for Ubuntu (Lucid) sudo apt-get install ros-diamondback-desktop-full I have a couple of ...
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