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Questions tagged [calibration]

Correlate the readings of a robot's instrument, sensor, etc. with those of a standard in order to check its accuracy. Adjust experimental results to take external factors into account or to allow comparison with other data.

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Unable to calibrate Xsens IMU with imu-utils

Whenever I tried to calibrate IMU with imu-utils, the numbers always shows 0. I am using ROS1 and Ubuntu Melodic, IMU's model is Xsens-MTi-630
林昱廷's user avatar
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High Reprojection Errors in MoveIt Hand-Eye Calibration with uFactory Lite 6 Arm — How Can I Improve Accuracy in a Confined Space?

I'm working on calibrating the hand-eye coordination of my uFactory Lite 6 robot arm using MoveIt's Hand-Eye Calibration tool, but I'm consistently getting high "reprojection errors" ranging ...
magiczwiebel's user avatar
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Manual Lidar Camera calibration using fast-lio pointcloud and odometry

I have a special/strange case, I need to know the extrinsic transform between a Lidar and a camera or at least camera to IMU. But the problem is that in not all images the checkerboard is visible and ...
Rob Binnenmars's user avatar
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turtlebot3 gazebo bad lidar camera alignment

I'm running on ROS Noetic. I'm having problems with camera lidar alignment in gazebo which should have been perfect. I used the waffle_pi and made 2 adjustments: ...
John's user avatar
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How to estimate the parameters in this accelerometer calibration model?

I'm using the xioTechnologies Fusion AHRS library to estimate orientation from readings from a 6-axis IMU. The library provides functions to apply calibration parameters according to this calibration ...
avs's user avatar
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ROS2_Iron - Camera calibration file (camera_info.yaml) not loaded by usb_cam camera driver

Running ROS2 Iron with the usb_cam driver. ...
Gotvm's user avatar
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How to calibrate IMU for large scale deployments possibly using deep neural network

We were testing our visual SLAM algorithm on robots. We were getting poor performance. Then we calculated wite noise and random walk parameters (using kalibr) for the IMU and used it in our algorithm ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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Why multiply noise and random walk values by some constant value

I was exploring calculation of IMU intrinsics (random walk and noise values) for IMU using kalibr tool using this video. At timestamp 25:48, Patrick says, "typically we dont use values generated ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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Why different noise terms are read at specific sampling interval in Allan Variance plot?

I was trying to identify Quantization Noise, Angle Random Walk, Bias Instability, and Rate Random Walk from Allan Variance plot which as Allan deviation on y axis and Sampling Time Interval ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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How to transform frames so axis align

I have the location of two sensors, S_1 and S_2 with frames attached to each and I have the frame Transformation that gives S_2 location and orientation with respect to S_1. Additionally I have a ...
FourierFlux's user avatar
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Calculating IMU random walk using allan variance

I am trying to calculate accel and gyro noise and random walk for Intel realsense using allan variance. I quickly generated imu csv in the format specified here using custom CPP script for just 3 ...
RajS's user avatar
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Understanding reprojection error / visual residual in ORB-SLAM3

I am trying to understand ORB-SLAM3 paper. It gives visual residual / reprojectio error equation as follows: $$r_{ij}=u_{ij}-\prod(T_{CB}T^{-1}_i\oplus x_j)$$ where, $r_{ij}$ is reprojection error ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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Cannot solve extrinsic matrix between camera and robot

I am triying to calibrate a RGB-D Realsense camera , with an eye in hand configuration. I have the following set-up: I know the transformation matrix between base/ef and cam/obj. I want to solve ...
Unai Granados Ormaetxea's user avatar
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validateURL failing even when a proper file is present

Dear Experts, I have been trying to use CameraInfoManager::validateURL function with the following code snippet ...
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2 answers

The Benefit of Hand-Eye calibration with 2D camera

I have a general question about the benefit of Hand-Eye calibration. I know that the Hand-Eye calibration can be done with many softawres by solving the AX=XB or AX=ZB equation. But my question is, ...
Mhmd's user avatar
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2 answers

Why do we need to know the translation between Camera and IMU?

In Visual Inertial Odometry, assuming the camera and the IMU are attached to the same rigid body, why isn't it enough to know just the relative rotation between the camera and the IMU? Why do we need ...
jordi's user avatar
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Synchronize GPS orientation with cameras

I'm interested in using GPS system to generate ground truth for evaluation of some SLAM systems I am testing. I'm confused on how I can initialize the location and orientation of the GPS unit to be ...
FourierFlux's user avatar
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How to test moveit handeye calibration?

I have a KUKA iiwa 14 and a realsense D435i camera. I calibrated the system using a hand-to-eye configuration in Moveit! Hand-eye calibration package. But I would now like to test the accuracy of the ...
Shruti Chakraborty's user avatar
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Camera Calibration Matrix accuracy

When we do camera calibration, we have to find calibration matrix $M$, which is found by first finding extrinsic matrix and then intrinsic matrix. To validate the accuracy of calibration matrix, we ...
Avv's user avatar
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How to get transform between two fixed frames using a camera

In my task, I have two manipulators: one 6 dof robot (Manipulator 2 as shown in attached link picture), and one passive arm (Manipulator 1 as shown in attached link picture). Both the frames 1 and 2 ...
Lisa9892's user avatar
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IMU Senosr fusion algorithm of gyro and accelerometer during acceleration of vehicle

Hello so we have a car with 10 IMUs mounted at different locations of the car and the idea is the measure the centripetal force at each location of the car and compare it to each other. We also need ...
prince salasi's user avatar
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Why would we solve AX=XB instead of just using the Kabsch algorithm?

I have a high precision stereo camera and a robot which are independent units (the camera is not mounted to the robot). I wish to compute a transformation from the camera frame to the robot base frame....
Alexander Soare's user avatar
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Checking camera calibration

I have calibrated a camera and want to check how good the calibration is. I have used the camera_calibration package to calibrate the camera, and the camera_info now looks like this: ...
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Find a mistake in transformation between different coordinate frames in the WIP-calibration pipeline

I design the extrinsics calibration pipeline for the robotic agents, carrying onboard two sensors of different modalities. I aim to calibrate one of them (S) ...
Dmitri K's user avatar
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why the left 3x3 portion of Projection matrix(P) is different from the Intrinsic camera matrix(K)?

Intrinsic camera matrix for the raw (distorted) images. [fx 0 cx] K = [ 0 fy cy] [ 0 0 1] Projects 3D points in the camera coordinate frame to 2D pixel coordinates using the focal lengths (fx, fy) ...
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Do electromagnets affect magnetometer calibration?

I am designing a landing pad for a drone that will have electromagnets built into the pad. My drone has a pixhawk 2 with PX4. I'm worried that the electromagnets in the pad will throw off the drone's ...
Sam Chamberlin's user avatar
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How to calibrate a magnetometer on a heavy robot

I am wondering how to calibrate a magnetometer on an IMU that is installed on a heavy robot. Normally, hard and soft iron calibration is done by spinning the IMU in all axis, but since it is installed ...
JeremieBourque1's user avatar
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How to publish more than 5 distortion parameters through sensor_msgs::CameraInfo structure?

Hi guys. I have a node which publishes images to /image_raw topic and camera calibration data to /camera_info topic. It is setting lens distortion coefficients using the "d" vector of ...
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Focus calibration to infinity

Well, it sounds easy problem but can we do it without pointing the camera to a faraway place? How does the manufacturer do this during mass production? Is there any focusing machine?
Chanoh Park's user avatar
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How to calibrate a lens with wide fov and low F number

To calibrate a wide fov lens either a calibration board should be large or bring the calibration board closer to the lens. As making a large calibration board is expensive, I usually prefer the second ...
Chanoh Park's user avatar
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ROS Camera Calibration for Webcam - Not working

As a part of learning, I am trying to perform Camera calibration with my laptop's Webcam. I am really new to this process. I will explain everything about how far I have come so far, and where I have ...
Diwakar Manickavelu's user avatar
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Unstable principal point estimation in zoom camera calibration

I have a camera with a 1/2.9" image sensor from FLIR and a 12-50mm motorized zoom lens from Theia. Because the lens is a motorized zoom lens, I tried to calibrate the camera for different zoom ...
sixer's user avatar
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Eye-to-hand camera calibration, location of the calibration board

Using the Moveit camera calibration plugin for the eye-to-hand calibration, what is the required position for the calibration board? I understand that the board needs to be rigidly mounted on the arm ...
Rexcirus's user avatar
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How to calculate extrinsic calibration of a non-overlapping multicamera rig?

thanks for taking the time to check my question. Firstly, let me describe the current configuration, I am using 4 cameras that produce non-overlapping images and the goal is to calculate their ...
mkr's user avatar
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extrinsic calibration of non-overlapping cameras

Hello everyone, does anybody have any idea how to calculate the relative transformation between the cameras of a multi camera rig with no overlap? Thanks in advance. Originally posted by Ifx13 on ROS ...
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Closed-form solution of extrinsic in 2D to 3D projection problem

The title is pretty much it. Anyone have seen a closed-form solution of extrinsic on 2D to 3D projection problem? Seems like this should exist in old camera calibration literature but I can't really ...
Chanoh Park's user avatar
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Depth camera pixel values to 3D coordinates

I have a robotic arm 6-DOF and an Intel RealSense depth camera. I want to go from pixel values to 3D world coordinates, is it possible with eye-in-hand calibration? If yes can you guide me on how to ...
Jasmeet Singh's user avatar
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Trouble aligning/calibrating camera with laser scanner

I have a robot which has 2 multi-spectral cameras and 1 laser scanner attached. In the end I would like to have the images from the cameras aligned with the scanner so that I can have spectral ...
Steve Ahlswede's user avatar
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How to fix camera_calibration giving error on save in Noetic

I am running camera_calibration in Noetic: rosrun camera_calibration --size 8x6 --square 0.026 image:=/camera/image_raw camera:=/raspicam_node ...
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Hand-Eye Calibration without Robot Arm Calibration

I'm trying to do Hand-Eye Robot-Camera calibration. And I'm using MZ12(NACHI robot) and D435(Intel camera). But accuracy of the calibration result is so low. Average error of translation moving is ...
Soonmyun Jang's user avatar
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Autoware camera-lidar-calibration Error

I trying camera-lidar calibration. Method is below. But Error ...
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Understanding types of hand eye calibration

I have been reading about hand eye calibration for a couple days. Basically, I have 2 setups I want to execute hand eye calibration. Camera is fixed in a position and arm is moving (eye on base); ...
Gabriel Carvalho's user avatar
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how to calibrate gyroscope using raw gyro data?

I wrote a simple code for where I take 500 samples with stationary gyro and subtract those offset values to get calibrated gyro data. Question: Is this much calibration enough to implement this gyro ...
calculusnoob's user avatar
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How do I calibrate a rotating laser scanner pose from known global coordinates?

Assume the following scenario: A 2D LIDAR sensor is mounted with a vertical (not exactly known) scan plane at a height of 20m The scanner can be rotated about the vertical axis and the encoder values ...
oarfish's user avatar
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Robotic vision eye-in-hand research

I started researching Robotic Vision topics for a while but I found myself a bit stuck. My background is in the Computer Vision and Machine Learning fields but I lack the knowledge in robotics. My ...
Serban M's user avatar
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How to change the camera model when using image_pipeline?

Hi, I do some binocular camera calibration tests with image_pipeline. For some reasons, I can not see the video in the image_pipeline/Tutorials page. I have to ask questions there. 1, How can I cange ...
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How to get transformation between a camera and a CNC plotter?

I have a question about robot and camera calibration. I have experience to calibrate btw 6DOF robot arm and hand-eye camera. But this time I should use a machine like CNC plotter. This machine can ...
Soonmyun Jang's user avatar
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What is the baseline of a RGBD camera?

I'm looking at some ORB SLAM2 settings where there's a parameter for "IR projector baseline times fx". Could someone here explain what exactly is the baseline of an IR projector? Is it the distance ...
John M.'s user avatar
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solving for unknown 2d rotation + translation

This is a continuation of the question I asked here. I thought I'll ask a more concrete question. So far, this is what I have done to transform from a feature point detected by camera sensor in to a ...
goh's user avatar
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Option --square for camera calibration with circle/acircle pattern

Hello, I have a question regarding the camera_calibration package. In the documentation ( it is mentioned that it is possible to use a circular / asymmetric ...
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