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catkin_make suddenly stopped working. When I am trying I am only getting the below output. Please kindly help. I am using Indigo

Base path: /home/saikishor/catkin_ws

Source space: /home/saikishor/catkin_ws/src

Build space: /home/saikishor/catkin_ws/build

Devel space: /home/saikishor/catkin_ws/devel

Install space: /home/saikishor/catkin_ws/install

WARNING: Package name "soar-to-ros_interface" does not follow the naming conventions. It should start with a lower case letter and only contain lower case letters, digits and underscores.
#### Running command: "make cmake_check_build_system" in "/home/saikishor/catkin_ws/build"
#### Running command: "make -j4 -l4" in "/home/saikishor/catkin_ws/build"
[ 50%] Built target ros_project_gencfg

[100%] Built target ros_project

Originally posted by saikishor on ROS Answers with karma: 228 on 2017-03-10

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by ahendrix on 2017-03-10:
I don't see any error messages in the output. Can you explain what you expect it to be doing, and how it isn't working?

Comment by saikishor on 2017-03-10:
Yes I also don't see any error, but I want to compile a package with catkin_make The result is nothing, it is not able to create the new nodes!!!!

Comment by ahendrix on 2017-03-10:
It looks like it built a node called ros_project. You may want to check that there's a package.xml in each package, and it would help if you post your CMakeLists.txt

Comment by saikishor on 2017-03-11:
Actually, I have created a new package called package_pub_sub, but there is no info about that package and the nodes are not created for that package....

Please find the CMakeLists and Package.xml here:

CMakeLists : http://pastebin.com/X5E5apWM

Package.xml : http://pastebin.com/QHUTAm9G

Comment by ahendrix on 2017-03-11:
It looks like your package.xml may not be named properly; it should be all lowercase: package.xml (if catkin_make can't detect your package.xml, it won't build your package)

Comment by saikishor on 2017-03-11:
Yes sir, it was all in lowercase "package.xml", but still this happens. I don't know the reason


1 Answer 1


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Try to change your package name: soar-to-ros_interface to soar_to_ros_interface, remove hyphens and see what happens. This is the only warning given out during compilation.

Originally posted by Daksh Shukla with karma: 26 on 2017-03-11

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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