I am using ROS Groovy and I updated Gazebo to 1.3 (binary version), under Ubuntu 12.04.
For testing it I got a simple empty.world:
<?xml version ='1.0'?>
<sdf version ='1.3'>
<world name='default'>
After I source:
and run gzserver:
rosrun gazebo gzserver ~/../worlds/empty.world
I got the following error msg:
Error [RenderEngine.cc:374] Unable to load Ogre Plugin[/opt/ros/groovy/stacks/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/lib/OGRE/RenderSystem_GL]. Rendering will not be possible.Make sure you have installed OGRE and Gazebo properly.
Error [Rendering.cc:37] Failed to load the Rendering engine subsystem
unable to find OpenGL rendering system. OGRE is probably installed incorrectly. Double check the OGRE cmake output, and make sure OpenGL is enabled.
Did something happen to the OpenGL libraries during the update, or is this a bug?
Thanks, Andrei
Originally posted by AndreiHaidu on Gazebo Answers with karma: 2108 on 2013-01-30
Post score: 1