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JSycamore's user avatar
JSycamore's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
9 votes

How do monocular visual odometry algorithms work?

3 votes

what books do you suggest for a beginner like me ?

3 votes

Localising a robot placed at an unknown position in a known environment

3 votes

Linearize a non linear system

3 votes

Arduino-Create 2: Reading Sensor Values

3 votes

Stabilising an inverted pendulum

2 votes

How do the PID parameters (Kp, Ki, and Kd) affect the heading of a differential driving robot when they are increased individually?

2 votes

What are the biggest challenges to build an highly performant robotic hand?

2 votes

What are the prerequisites for learning ROS?

2 votes

Switch activated by a microcontroller

2 votes

What does internal sparking in a motor mean?

2 votes

Urdf as a way to model dynamics?

1 vote

What are the specifications of the digital compass used in iPhone 6S

1 vote

Is it possible to detect road surface or navigation area using LRF data or other laser data in a Park?

1 vote

I want to know whether the Create2 can interface a LIDAR?

1 vote

Is there any error analysis of Irobot Create 2?

1 vote

holonomic and non holonomic constraints in layman's term

1 vote

Find object using only distance

1 vote

Brushless motor from RC car won't spin with even small resistance

1 vote

Angular momentum of rimless wheel in Passive Dynamic Walking

1 vote

Is there a bug in the Encoder Counts packets 43&44?

1 vote

Best sensor to determine "up" versus "down"

1 vote

Stability of PID values update function for quadrotor

1 vote

How to create a model for temperature control?

1 vote

Issue with multiple bytes from Irobot Create 2

1 vote

What frequency does my quadcopter output-sense-calculate-output update loop need to stay stable?

1 vote

Arduino or Raspberry Pi?

1 vote

Detect physical touch/hit

1 vote

iRobot Create2: Granularity of drive control?

1 vote

Using robotic simulator for prediction step in probabilistic localization approaches