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Questions tagged [computer-vision]

The goal of computer vision is an automatic extraction of information out of images. It includes methods for acquiring, processing, analyzing, and understanding images and high-dimensional data from the real world in order to produce numerical or symbolic information, e.g., in the forms of decisions. The image data can take many forms, such as video sequences, views from multiple cameras, or multi-dimensional data from a medical scanner.

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Estimate 3D location of a tracked point with Known Camera parameters and Distance

I want to estimate the 3D point of X̅₂, X̅₂ = [ X₂ Y₂ Z₂ ], by using known variables: X̅₁ is at world origin, camera intrinsics K, camera extrinsics w.r.t. X̅₁, namely [R₁ ∣ t₁], ...
Uce's user avatar
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ROS2 Node runs using python3 command but not with ros2 run

I am using a YOLOv5 package I found online ( for my project. The thing is, the tutorial says to run the detection code by going ...
Poguinho's user avatar
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Making a ROS Node for a Semantic Segmentation Model I have devleoped

I have developed a SemSeg model using UNET. I want to implement it in my stack. I have converted the model to an ONNX version. I want to run it using a NVIDIA ORIN Device. What are the steps involved ...
Tim's user avatar
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How to calculate the twist of an object B with respect to frame C if I know the twist of another object B rigidly attached to A

the problem I have is the following. I have a fixed reference frame in the world (C) that does not move from its place and I have two objects (A and B) that are moving and are rigidly joined to each ...
Mario Herrera Almira's user avatar
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SIM(3) conversion to SE(3) after pose graph optimization

To address scale drift in mono slam solutions, the euclidean transformations are converted to SIM(3) transformations and pose graph optimization is run on the 7dof pose graph. My confusion is, how do ...
FourierFlux's user avatar
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Get 3D boundingbox with 2D boundingbox and LiDAR data

I'm trying to create 3D bounding boxes from 2D bounding boxes created with yolov5 and point cloud data from a lidar sensor.I'm working with ROS2 and Gazebo and as a reference I'm trying to use this ...
antisocialkid's user avatar
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Sensor Synchronization, IMU and Bundle Adjustment

Sensor synchronization is a general issue with SLAM systems, the ideal is having an IMU hardware synchronized with cameras. There are a couple other possible variations though. One variation is ...
FourierFlux's user avatar
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Covariance Matrix for the Measurement Model using a Camera

I'm currently taking an introductory course in Autonomous Systems where our project involves implementing the FastSLAM algorithm for an Alphabot2. This project uses a camera and Aruco markers as ...
13A 's user avatar
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Drawbacks of image rectification for 3d reconstruction

When running 3d scene reconstruction algorithms using monocular camera systems you can choose to rectify each pair of images or do 3d reconstruction with unrectified pairs using epipolar geometry. ...
FourierFlux's user avatar
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Confusion on optimizing variable time-offset for VIO SLAM

I was reading the following paper on how you can incorporate variable time offset for a camera in VIO:
FourierFlux's user avatar
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Ros2 drone camera projection issue

a few days ago I started working on a project whose aim is to avoid obstacles in the simulation autonomously by the drone and travel from point A to point B. Now I have reached the stage where I want ...
antisocialkid's user avatar
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Calculate disparity for matching feature points

If I have matched a pair of feature points, could I calculate its disparity by simply subtract the u coordinates(uL - uR)? And could use this disparity to calculate the depth for this 3d point? ...
Ben's user avatar
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What post processing method was used to generate depth image as shown in the given example?

The 32FN method is a fast and effective method to estimate surface normal from a structured depth image. It appears the authors uses a "in-painting" method (please correct me if I am wrong) ...
Azmyin Md. Kamal's user avatar
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Data sent over ROS2 topic is not reliable

Hello everyone of this wonderful forum. I am currently doing my first ROS2 project in which i have send data of aruco id that includes its [id number,x,y,z,orientation] data. I am sending this data ...
joker13's user avatar
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Does ORB-Slam3 perform better than ORB-Slam2?

I was trying to compare ORB-Slam2 performace with ORB-Slam3 performance. Consider following comparison from ORB-Slam3 paper (columns with numbers correspond to different sequences from EuRoC dataset): ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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Calibration of camera using ROS, without camera info

As part of a college project, I need to communicate with a TM5-700 robotic arm developed by Omron, and implement, for now, a pick and place pipeline. For that, I am required to access the camera ...
noobcoder's user avatar
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Installing Ros2 on the Jetson Xavier Nano

My team and I are trying to install Ros2 on the Jetson Xavier Nano so or robot can have computer vision, but the Jetson runs an old version of Ros. How can newer versions of ROS be used on the Jetson ...
Aryan Patel's user avatar
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Calculate target orientation

I have the following setup: I want to move the "Drill" frame to "Target1" with the opposite Z axis direction. I have calculated translation between "Target1" and "...
Unai Granados Ormaetxea's user avatar
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Gazebo Garden : Green line in camera image with OGRE 1 render engine but not with OGRE 2

While loading the same map in gazebo garden with ogre 1 or ogre 2, the map looks the same in the GUI, but a green line appears in the camera image when using ogre1 (no distortion or noise applied, ...
Jacques's user avatar
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World to pixel transformation in Pyrender

I'm trying to transform a point in a 3D world rendered with pyrender to pixel coordinates. The world to camera frame transformation seems to work, however the camera to pixel frame transformation is ...
nona's user avatar
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Detecting door blockage using computer vision

I want to detect door blockage on a camera. Basically if the exit door is blocked by an object, it detects it as an anomaly. How can we do it? Is it possible to do it using OpenCV? Remember, it doesn’...
Tina J's user avatar
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Move gantry system to detected position in image plane

I have the following simplified gantry system (cartesian robot) that can move in the x axis direction: My goal is to position the red pointer on top of the target (i.e., I want the real world x-...
Optical_flow_lover's user avatar
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Python How to fuse road segmentation data from an image to AOA data(distance, angle)

I have road segmentation data which is highlighted by the semi-transparent blue color. It is an Numpy matrix with 0 means not road, 1 represents road. I also have AOA data which tells the distance and ...
Franva's user avatar
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Making an automated chessboard

I want to create an automated chessboard. At the moment, I'm making the project and deciding what technology to use to detect which piece is at what position and how to move them. I'm not so skilled ...
Mukund's user avatar
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How is the Homography formula derived?

In the Wikipedia article about Homography, the projective transformation between picture A to picture B is defined as: $H_{ab} = R - \frac{t n^T}{d}$ However, the formula lacks the derivation. How is ...
Tommaso Bendinelli's user avatar
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Stereo Bundle Adjustment

When doing stereo based visual odometry and bundle adjustment how does the stereo constraint get factored into the photometric error? Do you use the fact the second cameras location is known wrt the ...
FourierFlux's user avatar
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Question about bundle adjustment

When doing bundle adjustment do landmarks gets optimized as stand alone variables or are they viewed as a function of the robots first position when they are detected?
FourierFlux's user avatar
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Why would you use direct SLAM over feature-based?

I am curious, why would you ever choose direct slam(photometric consistency, etc) over feature based slam? Particularly for dynamic scenes? It seems you're always better off aligning fewer points ...
FourierFlux's user avatar
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Stabilising 3d cameras for mapping outdoors - mechanical or programmatic

I am preparing to mount Intel Realsense and Zed and Oak-d cameras onto a 4 wheel mobility scooter to do mapping of my local area. I'm not looking for recommendations but rather an understanding of ...
brianlmerritt's user avatar
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IMU to Camera transformation

Suppose you are implementing SLAM or VIO system, you have your camera C and IMU and a coordinate transformation between them (R, T). How do convert IMU measurements to camera accelerations and ...
FourierFlux's user avatar
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Calculating the depth in a general stereo vision system

When calculating the depth of a pixel using two cameras, most of the literature I have read describes stereo vision with the cameras having parallel optical axis as shown in the picture below. Because ...
NMO's user avatar
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Pipeline for dense reconstruction using pose estimation from orb-slam and stereo camera

I am trying to perform dense reconstruction using a sequence of images from a calibrated stereo camera. I have been using orb-slam3 to give me the camera's pose estimation. I am also generating the ...
JBurn93's user avatar
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How to perform time-offset calibration use GTSAM in Camera-IMU system?

Assume we have camera poses data and IMU data(which include gyr and acc data) with different timestamps, now I want to estimate this value, I known that this can be done in many ways(EKF,MSCKF), but I ...
milin's user avatar
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Camera Calibration Matrix accuracy

When we do camera calibration, we have to find calibration matrix $M$, which is found by first finding extrinsic matrix and then intrinsic matrix. To validate the accuracy of calibration matrix, we ...
Avv's user avatar
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6D pose estimation of a known 3D CAD object [closed]

I'm looking for a codebase for 6DOF pose estimation of a known 3D CAD object with RGB or RGBD. It must be: -Usable commercially (licensed under BSD, MIT, BOOST, etc.), not GPL. -Easy to setup and use (...
Rexcirus's user avatar
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How to find the camera matrix and distortion matrix from the given data

Amit's user avatar
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Monocular SLAM position estimation

I have been reading about mono SLAM and I have a couple questions which are not so clear: When doing pose estimation, I have seen people both reference homography transformation and also reference 5\...
FourierFlux's user avatar
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How to find fundamental matrix based on other fundamental matrix and camera movement?

I am trying to speed up some multi-camera system that relies on calculation of fundamental matrices between each camera pair. Please notice the following is pseudocode. ...
Gulzar's user avatar
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Center line steering with differential drive

I’ve got 2 motors that drives my unit and I can easily steer it manually by simply adding more speed to one wheel vs the other. Now I’m automating the rover using image processing to follow a driveway....
DaveInPA's user avatar
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How does baseline work with forward motion in Monocular Visual Odometry

In my computer vision class we are studying visual odometry. In this we calculate the Fundamental matrix using 2 frames from forward motion using the concept of stereo-vision. But in stereo vision the ...
sdhar's user avatar
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roslaunch exit code 2 error

I am implementing a simple roslaunch file but I am getting an exit code 2 status I have pasted the exact log below any idea what would cause this and how I can rectify it. ...
NOVA1323's user avatar
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Mobile robotic arm camera position

I'm working on my graduation project which is a mobile robotic arm that performs pick and place tasks. I wanted to know the possible ways to mount the camera where i can reach the desired destination ...
Samba's user avatar
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Explanation of the epipolar constraint in stereo imaging

I am watching this video, in which the epipolar constraint is defined as $x_l \cdot (x_l \times t)=0$ It means that the vector $x_l$ that passes through the observed point and the left camera origin ...
noam steiner's user avatar
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What are the usual results for pedestrian posture detection?

When talking about lane detection in a road, usually robotic computer vision system give lines in an image. For detecting obstacles, those system give Bounding Boxes. My question is, for pedestrian (...
KansaiRobot's user avatar
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Unstable principal point estimation in zoom camera calibration

I have a camera with a 1/2.9" image sensor from FLIR and a 12-50mm motorized zoom lens from Theia. Because the lens is a motorized zoom lens, I tried to calibrate the camera for different zoom ...
sixer's user avatar
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Number of pixels required to identify something

When using an RGB camera, what is the minimum number of pixels of an object that you need to identify something (theoretical or rule of thumb)? The image would be taken out in the wild with a complex ...
qwertyuiop's user avatar
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Can you plug a CMOS camera (like the iPhone 8 back camera) into an mPCIe in a laptop?

I read that 12 megapixel iPhone cameras don’t record video in 12 megapixels because the processors are not able to keep up. It seems though, that if I could plug the CMOS sensor to the CPU of a laptop,...
user11937382's user avatar
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Cheap global shutter cameras with external synchronization

Please recommend cameras for multi-camera setup satisfying the following conditions: Relatively cheap (up to 100$ per camera). Global shutter. No filters on lenses or pixels. Resolution of 1 MP or ...
user3234005's user avatar
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Autonomous harvesting robots. What are model possible components and interactions for the entire system? [closed]

I found a video which talk about best autonomous robots that use IA technology to harvest crops. The video is very interesting because, the “ecosystem” of each robot varies a lot from company to ...
Hokage's user avatar
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Depth camera pixel values to 3D coordinates

I have a robotic arm 6-DOF and an Intel RealSense depth camera. I want to go from pixel values to 3D world coordinates, is it possible with eye-in-hand calibration? If yes can you guide me on how to ...
Jasmeet Singh's user avatar

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