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This robot has a joint named "screw_right_first_2_to_right_first_joint_1" which is not in the gazebo model

While trying to transfer my robot to the Gazebo environment, I get an error like this: ...
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Pass parameters to xacro from launch file, or otherwise

Is there an example anywhere of how to actually pass a value from a launch file to the xacro files? I found a number of things here and there, but nothing clear as to what you need to do in the launch ...
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robot slips after upgrade to kinetic

Dear all, After upgrading from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 and from Indigo to Kinetic I'm experiencing a weird behavior from Gazebo and the HyQ robot model. The complete robot model can be found here. I ...
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What is wrong with my xacro file that I can't see the color of the box in gazebo?

Here is my xacro file: ...
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create a laser in xacro

Who can give me a simple example my_robot.xacro file that creat a robot which has a laser. I donot knoe how to add a laser and I try to use the .gazebo/models/hoyuko(model),but it is sdf,it maybe ...
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Gazebo model problems

Hi all I want to run my real robot in ros so I already wrote a simple hardware controller. I also created xacro model. First I wanted to simulate robot in gazebo and tried there follow joint ...
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Adding a link using xacro

Hi, For a model to show in gazebo, I'm using several xacro files written by someone who is no longer available. I need to add a link (camera) to an existing link by means of a fixed joint so I ...
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How to convert *.urdf.xacro files to *.sdf for gazebo?

Dear all, as with the latest gazebo version (1.7.12-s1367893033~precise) in groovy, it seems that our *.urdf.xacro files are finally not supported anymore. I found out about the latest .sdf format (1....
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Please help, converting urdf.xacro to SDF

Hello all. I am having trouble to convert the urdf.xacro files to sdf format, which is used by the newest version of gazebo. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you All! @Norman_Hendrich @hsu, ...
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Specify xacro properties in launch file

Is there a way to specify the values for <xacro:property> tags in launch file ? I want to use a single *.urdf.xacro file ...
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ROS Answers SE migration: ROS fuerte sdf

Hi everybody, I'm trying to switch between ROS electric and ROS fuerte. My problem is in launching the '.launch' file since the shell says that my model is deprecated (originally it was a '.xacro' ...
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Gazebo URDF deprecated?

HI all, today I installed the newest version of Gazebo... (Ubuntu 12.04, 64-bit). Trying to get the Shadow-hand running in Fuerte. My problem with broken ContactSensor is still there, but Gazebo now ...
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