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Spawn Service failed

[ERROR] [1733134962.319213, 10.280000]: Spawn service failed. Exiting. [urdf_spawner-8] process has died [pid 15903, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/noetic/lib/gazebo_ros/spawn_model -urdf -model jackal -...
kashifzahir's user avatar
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I have this error in ROS2 jazzy [ERROR] [launch]: Caught exception in launch (see debug for traceback): executed command failed

I have been trying to manage ROS2 with urdf files by this tutorial: I tried many times to follow the commands but ...
Steveend's user avatar
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ROS2-humble-xacro-robot using with cannot connect with gazebo

I made a robot using xacro and .STL model in ROS2-humble. I can easily see my robot in Rviz2 with launch file. But when I try to see it in gazebo. Something wrong happens. This is my launch file, ...
cccwwwhhh's user avatar
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Robot Links Defined with STL Files Not Showing in Gazebo

I’m using ROS 2 Humble and having an issue with my URDF. The links of my robot defined using STL files are not showing up in Gazebo, although they display correctly in RViz. Here are the details of my ...
niato axel's user avatar
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Error by using xacro:if in a xml code

I have writen the fllowing code for a gazebo simulation in ROS2. I am using Visual Studio Code ...
Samy's user avatar
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Spawn XACRO File on Gazebo Harmonic & ROS2 Jazzy

I am trying to spawn a xacro file on gazebo harmonic (ros2 jazzy). I have found this guide on how to spawn urdf and works fine: It also says to follow a ...
tolis's user avatar
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<material> tag issues

King Arthur's user avatar
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RLException: Invalid <param> tag: Cannot load command parameter [robot_description]:

I am using ROS noetic to run Turtlebot simulation in gazebo environment. I cloned the repository turtlebot and turtlebot simulator. When I ran the command roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world....
Encipher's user avatar
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Xacro for ROS2 Iron Windows 10

I am running into issues using xacro on Windows 10. It seems like ROS2 Iron does not ship with xacro. Installing it via pip fails as a roslaunch dependency is needed (I believe this is from origianl ...
bill707's user avatar
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How to debug Gazebo Garden crashing on loading a robot description?

ROS2 Humble Gazebo Garden I'm trying to load a robot description into Gazebo Garden in my Humble install. I'm following the instructions on how to migrate from Gazebo Classic to Garden. The xacros are ...
Karim Virani's user avatar
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gazebo wrong tf alignment

ROS Noetic, ubuntu 20.04 So I was trying simulate a robot in gazebo environment with ROS. The base I used is bunker. I basically added in a VLP-16 and kinect camera similar to how they did it in ...
John's user avatar
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ROS2 Xacro/URDF file isn't displaying, Error: No transform from [] to []

I've created a URDF file using a few Xacro files, and for some reason as soon as I added in the caster wheel it started having problems. The chassis and caster both show up, but the caster just spawns ...
FalOn's user avatar
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Setting up UR3e with ROS2 Iron - missing xacro files?

I have what seems to be a working installation of ROS2 Iron, and I have installed the UR driver to work with ...
Kat's user avatar
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[gazebo_ros2_control]: parser error Couldn't parse parameter override rule

I am new to ROS2 and I encounter some strange parsing error when I try to launch my gazebo simulation. I am using ROS2 Iron on a Ubuntu 22.04 VM Here is my project repository That repo works fine ...
Serarguy's user avatar
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Separate ros2_control hardware interfaces for the joint's state and command interfaces

I have a 5 DoF manipulator, driven by K-tech CAN motors (controlled with raw CAN frames, by one CAN bus). Each of these motors has a built-in gear, an absolute single-loop encoder and an embedded ...
stanislawix's user avatar
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How to integrate omnidirectional base and redundant manipulator

I have been working on integrating a panda (from Franka Emika) and a summit-xl-steel in ROS noetic. I am not an expert on ROS, but I have integrated the two xacro files, and now I get an error saying ...
Markus Simonsen's user avatar
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This robot has a joint named "screw_right_first_2_to_right_first_joint_1" which is not in the gazebo model

While trying to transfer my robot to the Gazebo environment, I get an error like this: ...
furkan's user avatar
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franka_hw/FrankaModelInterface and franka_hw/FrankaStateInterface transmission has more than one joint issue

I'm launching two panda robots in gazebo to use them with a custom controller. I edited the original dual_panda_example.urdf.xacro in order to use it in simulation as my controller needs both ...
mikel lasa's user avatar
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parsing errors when launching two robots from the same urd.xacro file

I'm trying to launch two panda robots from the same urdf file but I'm stuck as is giving me parsing errors when I launch two robots together. If I try to launch one it works but not with two (I ...
mikel lasa's user avatar
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How to convert xacro file to urdf at ROS2?

I have a .xacro file exported from Fusion360. I want to convert it to .urdf to use at moveit2. How can I do this?
Doğukan YILMAZ's user avatar
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A problem occurs in tf while outputting robot_description to rviz

I created and ran a urdf file by combining several examples. When simply launched to view in rviz, tf_tree was produced normally. However, since I added a controller and output it to ...
ertretff's user avatar
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ros2 launch file syntax error - XacroException: No such file or directory: + - InvalidFrontendLaunchFileError:

I have an issue when trying to execute a python launch file. Whenever I execute the file I get the following error: ...
HDJG's user avatar
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How to combine two robot models in gazebo?

I have two robots, one is P3Dx and the other is Kinova Gen3 lite. I want to create a mobile manipulator combining these two robots. I have the respective packages and they contain the URDF files. How ...
Ashutosh Sahu M22RM001's user avatar
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Reading a ros2_control xacro file in a regular node

I have a xacro file that I used for a specific piece of hardware. I figured out how to store custom data structures within the gpio framework within ros2_control example: ...
Seth's user avatar
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Why Does My Gazebo Simulated Truck Move Well in an Empty World But Not in Complex Environments Like Sonoma Raceway?

I am simulating a truck in Gazebo, which operates well in a minimal empty world, responding effectively to cmd_vel commands sent via the bcr_teleop package. However, when the simulation is run in more ...
Marcus Vinicius's user avatar
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Inertia Element Conversion Issues in URDF to SDF in ROS2 Iron (Worked in Galactic)

I am encountering an issue in ROS2 Iron that wasn't present in ROS2 Galactic, related to the conversion of a URDF file (generated from XACRO) to SDF, specifically regarding the inertia elements. I am ...
Marcus Vinicius's user avatar
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Invoke xacro macro in a launch file

I've been creating this stand alone urdf.xacro file to enact my macros. Is there a way to invoke/call a xacro macro from a python launch file and pass parameters? I've provided the file below. I'm ...
Yato's user avatar
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xacro formatting xacro file property with given param

thisis my example xacro file and I need to change robot_namespace property's value ...
Kaan Karakoç's user avatar
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Can set friction direction based on link cordinate in URDF

I'm a beginner at gazebo and ROS. I'm trying to make mobile robot which propels itself using the friction force normal to the direction of wheel. I want to use cylinder as wheel, and set the friction ...
Tama's user avatar
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Is it possible to use expression evalutions ${} to call Xacro namespace macros to create lots of robots efficiently? Want to avoid hard-coding

The below code is incorrect. Is there a way to do this properly to potentially make a macro that creates lots of robots. ...
Yato's user avatar
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How do you pass params into another Xacro file via xacro:include? How does the other Xacro file receive that input?

How do you use xacro:macro and arg to include 2 of the same robot in your URDF? I'm using args for each Xacro file to read the ...
Yato's user avatar
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ROS Noetic. How can I manage origin of coordinates for each STL model in Rviz?

I'm having troubles with model origin of coordinates location in relation to STL models. All ones are outside the models. I tried to move it to center of mass in SolidWorks, but it didn't fix the ...
BilboBaggins's user avatar
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How to define zero joint state reference value in URDF/XACRO?

When defining the robot URDF/XACRO file we set links and joints. By default the joints states are zero on spawning. Is there a way to redefine the reference value of the joints states, essentially ...
vibrantcloud's user avatar
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[gazebo 11] How to set a default variable/parameter in xacro

I have a main xacro file where I am calling another xacro as such: ...
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Unable to load panda.urdf.xacro in gazebo fortress

Ubuntu : 22.04 Ros version : Rolling gazebo : fortress i am trying to load a panda robot in gazebo fortress but couldn't really find any basic tutorial. so i tried to write some launch files but ...
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xacro processing in ROS 2 YAML launch files (or XML)?

I'm trying to use YAML launch files for a Gazebo simulation project I'm working on, but it doesn't seem like there's a lot of documentation beyond the basics here. I need to process a robot ...
danzimmerman's user avatar
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The xacro files don't seem to work with each other. (ubuntu 20.04 noetic) R

Hello, everyone! An error occurred while configuring the robot arm as an xacro file. The current simple model looks like this: ...
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Unable to parse URDF using command line but can do it in launch file

Hi, I am beginning to learn ROS and have encountered a strange issue. I have created 2 packages called, my_first_cpp_pkg and urdf_example, which contain xacro xmls of their own for URDF creation. I am ...
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ROS2 python launch, how to forward launch arguments to xacro models

Hi I like to use LaunchArgument to process my xacro file, which contains my robot model for gazebo and the robot_description for my robot_state_publisher. ...
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[ROS2] Any idea on how to pass parameters (YAML) to a Xacro file via launch python script?

In my launch python script I can load and pass parameters from a .yaml file into my code without any problem: ...
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Xacro Macro Param Not defined

I have a xacro file that has some generic macros for inertia. Currently using this for Noetic but I used the exact file on a previous project in Melodic. The error I get is: name 'm' is not defined ...
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ROS Noetic xacro issue - Cannot load command parameter [robot_description] returned with code [2]

OS: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS Kernel: Linux 5.13.0-35-generic Architecture: x86-64 ROS distro: ROS Noetic I am trying to launch my turtlebot3 for a school assignment in the gazebo ...
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parameter passed to xacro not changing the default one

I'm trying to make a .xacro file for a UR5e robot, that allows choosing the gripper at launch, which means choosing different macros inside of it and I'm doing it based on the answer here. The setup ...
sniegs's user avatar
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Reading from yaml file in xacro?

Hi I am trying to read the parameters in a yaml file to my URDF using xacro. I understand that the values will be imported as a dictionary. I am able to retrieve the values when the yaml file has a ...
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Universal Robot URDF and xacro structure

Hi all, I am trying to create a custom environment for my UR5e robot and having a little bit of a problem understanding the file structure. I would like to have a fixed, not moving object around 1 ...
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[Gazebo] child link "base_link" not found (World -> UR5)

I am working on a Gazebo simulation of a UR5 with a Robotiq 2f gripper (ROS Melodic + Ubuntu 18.04) and created my xacro file by loading the ur5 description, creating a world link and attaching the ...
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Using xacro for robot description does not work

Hi, I defined a model using the urdf and everything works fine. However, when I replace one of the links with a macro, the link is not built to form the tree. the xacro file: links_joints.xacro` ...
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correct model design for grasping (Moveit)

Hi! I am relative new to ROS and Moveit. I am using ROS noetic. For a research project, I want to realize automated trajectory planning for an FANUC industrial robot for handling pipes with high ...
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Set xacro arguments when parsing a file using Python (ROS2)

Is it possible to set arguments when parsing a file using the python xacro library? In ROS2, a number of packages parse xacro files directly in the launch file using the python xacro library, with ...
shonigmann's user avatar
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xacro prase the value from YAML by giving variable

Environment: ROS Noetic, Gazebo11 I try to use xacro with YAML, but there is a problem about argument of variable: My yaml: ...
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