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Questions tagged [gazebo-ros-control]

Questions related to the gazebo-ros-control package from ros-control framework for ROS 1

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Error Loading Gazebo Plugin: gz_ros2_control/GazeboSimSystem Class Not Found

I'm encountering an issue while trying to load a Gazebo simulation for my robot in ROS 2. After receiving the robot description from the appropriate topic, I get the following error messages in the ...
Yekeen Abdulbasit's user avatar
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Gazebo is not publishing to /joint_states properly

I'm currently learning how to simulate a simple robotic arm with Gazebo-11 and ROS Noetic in Ubuntu 20.04. I'm following this tutorial, which is made to work with ROS2 foxy, but the URDF can still be ...
shawbicc's user avatar
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Move_group not publishing to /arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/goal

I'm basically trying to connect my robot (meca 500) and simulate it both in gazebo and rviz. I was able to achieve this using Moveit Setup Assistant. However when I try to move my robot in rviz, my ...
Sanjay's user avatar
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Why are PID values have no effect on position_controllers/JointTrajectotyController?

I read on this website that PID values have no effect in the case of using position_controllers/JointTrajectoryController. Is this true? If the answer ...
Samy's user avatar
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This robot has a joint named "joint" which is not in the gazebo model

I am using the following method in to actuate a 2D Gimbal model using the ROS Control Plugin. However, the ...
Calvin's user avatar
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Gravity Compensation for a UR10e controller with the UR ROS package

We're using the Universal Robots ROS package from Github for our project, with Gazebo simulating UR robots. Each joint has an Effort Controller following a predefined trajectory. However, gravity ...
user38283's user avatar
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Trouble running gazebo_ros2_control for iron/harmonic

I am trying to run a basic example from gazebo_ros2_control - My Setup Ubuntu 22.04 ROS Version - Iron gz_ros2_control - main branch ...
Apurv Saha's user avatar
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How to turn the wheels on a robot that uses ros_control?

I have made a robot with 4 wheels and it uses ros_control. At the moment I can use a python script to make it move forward and backward but I don't know how to make the wheels turn as it only has the <...
Balen's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Joystick and Controller Issues in ROS Launch File Execution

"I've already installed the necessary packages for the robot operation and completed the setup in the launch file. However, whenever I run the launch file, the joystick doesn't seem to work, and ...
user37765's user avatar
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Issues defining setCommandCB function for a 7 joint robot torque control

I'm writing my own effort controller based in a simple example from gazebo webpage to test it in a robot and I'm having an issue when writing void setCommandCB ...
mikel lasa's user avatar
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General Questions About Joint Control (Gazebo & ROS2)

There are some separate questions about the Gazebo and ROS 2. When I apply force/torque to a link about its joint in Gazebo simulation by hand, it behaves different than the one that is controlled ...
Selim's user avatar
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ros2_control state interfaces not showing up

i am having problems with my robot simulation with gazebo and ROS 2 Humble and hope someone can help me. I already have the URDF setup for gazebo and ros2_control, however every time I launch my ...
Diego Carvajal's user avatar
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[MoveIt] Executed motions are always slightly off from waypoints

Hi all, I've been using MoveIt motion planning (OMPL) to simulate pick&place in the Gazebo environment. And I've noticed that the end-effector of the robot in the simulation is always off (~3cm) ...
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how to speed up gazebo simulation?

I'm working with the panda_gazebo package to control the 7-dofs franka manipulator, using the cartesian velocity controller of ros_control. For computational constraints, I have to slow down the ...
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Difference between the gazebo plugins "ros_control" and "gazebo_ros_control"?

Any kind human is able to explain to me the difference between "ros_control" and "gazebo_ros_control" in simple words? Many thanks. Originally posted by iceberg on ROS Answers ...
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Do I need PID gains for velocity_controllers?

I would like to use velocity_controllers/JointGroupVelocityController. In ros_controllers, the controllers ...
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Creating Controller Plugin No joint_name specified

I'm having an issue with making the plugin works in Gazebo 9 and melodic in ubuntu 18.04. I'm keep getting these errors ...
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DiffDriveController in Gazebo Ros control

Hi! I set up a sim via rviz & gazebo firstly using gazebo diff drive plug in. then I noticed some limits using this model and I attempted to switch to gazebo_ros_control diff_drive_controller. the ...
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No p gain specified for pid

I have made custom urdf for 6 DOF robot, when I run it it shows this error I have added ros control to this this is the YAML file robot: #list of controllers joint_state_controller: type: ...
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ur_gazebo: changed controller configuration does not work

Hello I'm using ros-melodic and I'm having trouble with controlling ur5 manipulator with gazebo I downloaded ur_gazebo package from Planning and ...
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Failed to load Joint Controller - Ros Melodic

Hello, I am running ROS melodic on a NVIDIA Jetson Nano and I am at the stage of simulation of a rover. To be more specific I have created the following rover (see XML code below) and I am trying to ...
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Problem with ros_control and gazebo

I'm new to ros, I exported urdf from solidworks. when I add transmission to urdf and launch it gazebo is not opening it's giving me error as ...
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How to mimic an encoder-motor joint in Gazebo using ros_control?

Hello, I am running Ubuntu 16.04, with Ros Kinetic and Gazebo7 ver 7.16. At present my physical robot can be viewed as a mobile base, and a custom 3-d lidar. The mobile base is controlled via a ...
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[Gazebo 9] Could not find parameter robot_description on parameter server

Hi, I know this question is asked a couple of times before, but I just couldn't find the right answer for me. So I'm trying to launch my URDF model with gazebo plug in and use ros_control package to ...
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Problem with ROS control and Gazebo

Hello, I have a problem with controlling a URDF that I exported from SolidWorks. (Ubuntu 16.04 , Kinetic, Gazebo 7.x) I followed this tutorial and I wanted to implemented on my robot. All the ...
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Velocity controller does not stop on Slopes

Hi, I am currently working with ROS Kinetic and Gazebo 7 in a vehicle model. To simplify things, the model has 4 continuous joints to apply a certain velocity to the model. With the ...
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Gazebo ros control position controller joints problem

Hi, I am currently working on a project using a vehicle of type EasyMile Ez10 and I have problems when it comes to control both the steering and linear joints. I am currently using Gazebo 7 with ROS ...
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Error no p gain specified for pid

Hi, I'm using ros-melodic with gazebo on ubuntu 14.04. I have seen similar errors and tried all of them but still unable to solve mine. Here is the text that is stored in config file. ...
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Can anyone help me solve the error related to robot_description on parameter server?

The error exactly is ...
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rosrun: unable to locate the node robot_state_publisher

The exact error I am having is ...
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MoveIt! for multiple robots

I've spawned 2 similar robots(with their controllers) with distinct namespaces (robot1,robot2) in Gazebo according to this. I intend to run two separate moveit instances to control them. For now I've ...
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Any good example for ros_control of diff drive robot

I'm looking for examples related to ros_control of differential drive robot. Please list any real or simulated diff-drive robots (with source code references) that use ros_control. Such references ...
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Delay in JointStates

Hi I am working on ROS Kinetic with Ubuntu 16.04. I am simulating my robot with gazebo and ros-control however the terminal always shows this warning :: ...
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What is the fix for 'No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazebo_ros_control/pid_gains/back_right_wheel_joint ' ros melodic?

Hi, I am using gazebo_ros_control package from ROS melodic. I am geting error like ...
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What is the difference between different controllers provided in ros_control?

As mentioned in the official documentation, the list of available controllers are: effort_controllers joint_effort_controller joint_position_controller joint_velocity_controller ...
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Simple box grasping fails

Grasping is not working in this primitive case I've made. The object is a box of mass 1 and default friction and contact parameters. The gripper uses two prismatic joints to move two c-shaped links ...
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Joints of my model sway in gazebo

Hi everyone, the joints of my robot model start to sway when I spawn it in gazebo and then launch its controllers I added previously. Here is the contents of my yaml file: cambot: # Publish all ...
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Controllers not working in Simulation

Hi, I tried to spawn multiple controllers in Gazebo.Related launch file and config files are attached here. I am able to see the topic names ,but when i publish the values through command line,...
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Making packages with metapackage dependencies

I'm following the Gazebo ROS control tutorial and the following command is creating issues for me. catkin_create_pkg MYROBOT_control ros_control ros_controllers I understand that ros_control and ...
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How to control a joint with position and velocity using ros_control?

Right now I have postion controllers for all of my joints. I can set every joint to the position I want and It takes the velocity limit into account. But I can't get it to move slower then the limit. ...
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Switching between controllers with ros_control / controller_manager

Is there an easy way to switch between different controllers for a single resource? I would like to control a joint of my Gazebo model either by ...
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Prismatic joint with PositionJointInterface interferes with Gazebo physics

I working on a simulation model of a forklift using ROS control and Gazebo. I'm using a prismatic joint to simulate the piston moving the forks up and down. Since I added a PositionJointInterface to ...
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controll rrbot from ros node instead manually

In this tutorial how can i control the position of rrbot by sending the position commands from ros node instead manually. I also tried this tutorial to control volocity of joint of velodyne sensor but ...
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error finding ros control in catkin_make

I was following ros control tutorial to control robot in gazebo with ros, but as i try to build the package by running catkin_make i get this error: ...
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How can I spawn multiple of the same robot, and control them individually?

Hey, I'm using Indigo for a project involving swarms of robots. I want to be able to spawn and control multiple of the same URDF into Gazebo. I've been attempting to use the RRBot (from this tutorial: ...
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Spawning and controlling two different robots in Gazebo

Hi! Currently there's an UR5 robot, which is working and doing it's stuff (with moveit). My task is to have a robot that goes around in circles near the UR5 (so later the UR5 can do stuff with it). I ...
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no factory exists problem with Gazebo ros control tutorial

Hi there, My ros distribution is indigo and my ubuntu distribution is 14.04. I'm currently learning ros control. And it speed learning curve really makes me frustrated. Here is my question, I tried ...
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STRANGE ERROR! Unable to move Revolute Joints in Gazebo

I'm running : 1. ROS Indigo 2. Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty I'm simulating a 6DOF robotic arm using ros_control and using gazebo_ros_control plugins. I'm using Joint Position Controllers. I have set up the ....
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ros_control makes Gazebo abort

Until last week, I was working on a robot simulation in Gazebo, with the ros_control plugin, without problems. But after a few days ago, Gazebo just started to abort with the folllowing error: ...
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Using gazebo_ros_control with SDF instead of URDF

My robot has a closed loop linkage, and therefore I cant use a URDF file as URDF only supports tree strucutres. Since SDF supports graph structures, I need to use that in order to simulate my robot. ...
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