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Questions tagged [dynamixel-motor]

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Do Dynamixel Servos give position feedback in velocity control mode?

Some of these servos have as high as 4096 positions/revolution accuracy (0.088°). So I think if I command it to go to a particular position, say 100°, the actual position will be between 100.088° and ...
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Actuators used with 2d laser scanners to produce 3D images on ROS

Hi, The acquisition of 3D LIDAR is mainly based on the rotation of the 2D laser scanner around a certain axis. I mean a standard 2D laser scanner and mechanical rotational element are required for 3D ...
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How would you replace the Dynamixels on Turtlebot3 with DC motors?

Is it possible to replace the Dynamixels on Turtlebot3 with an Arduino, driver, and DC motors with encoders? If so, how? Has anyone gone through this process and knows which steps need to be taken or ...
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dynamic reconfigure accross multiple packages

Hi, I am using multiple packages for my application such as ,dynamixel_motor, hokuyo_node, ...
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dynamixel_motor support for protocol 2.0

Has anyone transitioned from protocol 1.0 to 2.0 following recent firmware upgrades? I'm currently using MX-64T's with the dynamixel_motor stack, but I'm trying to understand what upgrading to ...
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Using Dynamixel Motors on Kinetic

I am trying to use Dynamixel motors on ROS-kinect. I am giving this command. khan@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-dynamixel-motor and getting this ...
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Dynamixel Controller for MX28AT

Hello, I am new to ROS, I want to control Dynamixel motor MX28AT with ROS. Which controller should i use? and how to use it? Thank you Originally posted by calvintanct on ROS Answers with karma: 21 ...
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arbotix-m with dynamixel tutorial / example / doc?

does anyone know an example / tutorial / doc that shows how to use arbotix-m with dynamixel? i got the dynamixel_motor package working with dynamixel servos (via usb2dynamixel). but i couldn't get any ...
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2 answers

Cheaper motors than Dynamixels?

I've built a 7 DOF robotic arm using dynamixels, and the total cost of the motors was about 2000. I think this is way too expensive, I mean we can't commercialize robotics if the motors are so ...
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dynamixel_motor with catkin

Dear everybody, I am starting with ROS and my objective is to create a 3D laser scanner with a Hokuyo+Dynamixel servo. The Hokuyo nodes and laser_assembler are not a problem so far. However, I have no ...
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ClamArm using Dynamixel Motors: No Motors Found

For those of you who are brave enough to try to help me solve this problem, I will grant you 3 wishes. Here we go. I'm using an arm called the ClamArm Seen here
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dynamixel_motor stack on Fuerte in Ubuntu 12.04

Hi all, I've just performed a fresh installation of Ubuntu 12.04. After installing ROS Fuerte (following the installation instructions), I tried to install the dynamixel_motor stack. I can't seem to ...
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dynamixel_motor debs in Fuerte

As far as I can tell, the dynamixel_motor stack is not being released as debs for fuerte. Is fuerte not going to release these stacks as debs anymore, and we should be checking them out ourselves, or ...
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