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Hi everyone!

It's my first question and i'm so new to ROS (and even Linux :/ ) Anyway i tried to create a map with laser scanner, Sick LMS100. I installed lms1xx drivers, and i wrote the code "rosrun lms1xx LMS1xx_node" then it said It connected to laser...So connection is ok but I dont know what to do next? What are my options for creating a simple map or something like floor plan?

By the way, right now i dont have a robot, just the laser scanner.


Originally posted by bsk on ROS Answers with karma: 73 on 2016-05-04

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by NEngelhard on 2016-05-04:
You should probably start with a simpler topic. Mapping is a rather advanced task in robotics and not the first thing you should try if you have never ROS or Linux. Have you already done the tutorials?

Comment by bsk on 2016-05-04:
I'm doing the tutorials as well, but i have to do something like basic mapping, floor plan etc as soon as possible :/


1 Answer 1


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go for hector_slam if you want to create a floor plan of the environment. First you need to make sure that your laser data is publishing on a /scan topic and then run hector_mapping node available in hector_slam package


if you browse through hector_slam_launch/launch files you will find tutorial launch file. this is the file you need to launch. next you have to edit your mapping_default.launch and tutorial.launch.

In tutorial.launch file, add these lines at the end

and also set use_sim_time to 'false'

In mapping_default file, use following configuration

"map_frame" value="map" />

"base_frame" value="base_link" />

"odom_frame" value="base_link" />

hope this solves your query

Originally posted by hashim with karma: 53 on 2016-05-07

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by bsk on 2016-05-11:
I connected with laser and checked by rostopic echo /scan and its ok. in another terminal i wrote roslaunch hector_mapping mapping_default.launch. Am i doing right? It says in INFO: lookupTransform base_footprint to laser timed out. Could not transform laser scan into base_frame.

Comment by Icehawk101 on 2016-05-11:
Don't use a static transform from map to base_link, the node provides that. If you do that it will only map based on the first scan. The map only updates after a certain amount of translation or rotation occurs. If you have a static transform the node will never know when the sensor's moved.

Comment by bsk on 2016-05-18:
@hashim I tried(finally i managed to create overlay_ws and can able to modify hector_slam) when i modified like you wrote and run hector_slam_launch tutorial.launch It didnt gave error. Thank you soooo much.

Comment by hashim on 2016-05-18:
welcome... kindly mark it as an answer :)

Comment by bsk on 2016-05-18:
@hashim by the way the map in the rviz is a bit strange. when i move or turn laser around it become a mess. It is like that. http://tinypic.com/r/117zmsn/9

Comment by hashim on 2016-05-18:
Do not yaw too much for getting the accurate map. Basically it depends on the frequency and range of the laser scanner you are using. Hector_slam is build for scanners of 25-30hz. Otherwise keep you scanner level with ground and avoid abrupt movements and yawing

Comment by Icehawk101 on 2016-05-18:
Something is wrong. I've used hector_mapping with an LMS100 and had no problem with yaw. How fast are you rotating?

Comment by bsk on 2016-05-18:
I have LMS100 too. Frequency was 50 hz so i changed it to 25 Hz(in its own program SOPAS) but now when i try to connect it gives error like "Unable to get laser output range"

Comment by hashim on 2016-05-18:
no keep it to 50hz. then... its more than enough

Comment by hashim on 2016-05-18:
share you tutorial.launch and mapping_default.launch files

Comment by bsk on 2016-05-18:
I cut the power of laser scanner and gave it again :) and now it connected with 25 Hz. i rotate and move it more slowly an results is like http://tinypic.com/r/2dipwmb/9 It looks better than the first

Comment by hashim on 2016-05-18:
better results


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