I'm trying to go through the tutorial for Kobuki Turtlebot on this page: wiki.ros.org/kobuki/Tutorials/Write%20your%20own%20controller%20for%20Kobuki
But when I tried to launch the bump_blink_controller, it gets stuck at waiting for service kobuki/load_nodelet. I already did minimal.launch and it seems fine.
Below is the full roslaunch output, and the last line is where it's stuck. I followed catkin instruction to initialize my catkin workspace, is there anything I missed while trying to build the package?
turtlebot@turtlebot:/opt/ros/hydro/share/kobuki_controller_tutorial$ roslaunch kobuki_controller_tutorial bump_blink_app.launch --screen ... logging to /home/turtlebot/.ros/log/50d2e6c2-f25b-11e3-a454-240a641beb01/roslaunch-turtlebot-15308.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://
SUMMARY ========
PARAMETERS * /rosdistro * /rosversion
NODES / bump_blink_controller (nodelet/nodelet)
ROS_MASTER_URI=http:// localhost:11311
core service [/rosout] found process[bump_blink_controller-1]: started with pid [15326] [ INFO] [1402595998.924197642]: Loading nodelet /bump_blink_controller of type kobuki_controller_tutorial/BumpBlinkControllerNodelet to manager kobuki with the following remappings: [ INFO] [1402595998.924404875]: /bump_blink_controller/commands/led1 -> /mobile_base/commands/led1 [ INFO] [1402595998.924468276]: /bump_blink_controller/events/bumper -> /mobile_base/events/bumper
> [ INFO] [1402595998.928954200]:
> waitForService: Service
> [/kobuki/load_nodelet] has not been
> advertised, waiting...
Originally posted by yis on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2014-06-16
Post score: 0