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Hello all, I am currently running on ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu and would like to know how am i supposed to display the raw data captured from my Soft Kinetic DS 325 camera to a pointcloud on rviz? Currently I am not able to view any topics when i open rviz. Help would be very much appreciated. Thank you!

Currently i have 4 terminals running (Images are attached below): 1)roscore 2) the depthsense viewer software downloaded from their website 3) the terminal in which i am trying to run a launch file i cloned off github , with the error 4) rviz ( the screenshot with what i view in rviz is also attached below)

C:\fakepath\Screenshot from 2017-09-28 01_08_15.png

C:\fakepath\Screenshot from 2017-09-28 01_13_49.png

C:\fakepath\Screenshot from 2017-09-28 01_06_47.png

C:\fakepath\Screenshot from 2017-09-28 01_07_20.png

Rviz & RQT screenshots (updated): C:\fakepath\Screenshot from 2017-09-28 22_59_53.png

C:\fakepath\Screenshot from 2017-09-28 23_00_06.png

Originally posted by herroineedhelp on ROS Answers with karma: 36 on 2017-09-26

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by jayess on 2017-09-26:
Are you running the node that runs the Kinect?

Comment by herroineedhelp on 2017-09-26:
Hi, I'm not using a Kinect but a depth sense camera so I believe the node is known as " softkinetic_camera" . I've tried running it but it just gives me an error of not being able to launch type of node.

Comment by jayess on 2017-09-26:
Please update your question with a copy and paste of how you are running it and the error.

Comment by herroineedhelp on 2017-09-27:
Hi, i wanted to upload a screenshot of how i am running it but apparently i am not able to do so as i have less than (5 points?). So I have just updated the question with the terminals that i am running with. Should you require any screenshots that could be of help i could email you !

Comment by bvbdort on 2017-09-27:
I have up voted to give you karma Now you can post more info.

Comment by herroineedhelp on 2017-09-27:
Hi all i have updated the questions with the supported screen shots. Thank you for helping

Comment by bvbdort on 2017-09-27:
from the rviz screenshot, i could say that you have to add pointcloud topic to view it, can you share "rqt_graph" screenshot.

Comment by herroineedhelp on 2017-09-28:
hello! i have updated with the screenshots from both rviz and the rqt graph. currently, what i am trying to achieve is for my camera to view the yellow tape as a point cloud in rviz. and i would like to ask, how to link the base camera link with my map in rviz?

Comment by bvbdort on 2017-09-28:
choose the camera frame in rviz by selecting "Global Options-->Fixed Frame-->"


1 Answer 1


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HI all i've answered my own question by making several adjustments to the codes. Thank you.

Originally posted by herroineedhelp with karma: 36 on 2017-10-03

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: -1

Original comments

Comment by jayess on 2017-10-03:
What adjustments did you make? Can you please include them? Otherwise, this isn't an answer.


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