I want to get the rviz view, which is showing me visualization marker on the top of camera view in a single image. Please see below the rviz view:
I tried to view the image topic but it doesn't contain any marker image (as expected). Please see below the image:
Later, I echo the rostopic but couldn't get any clue to get the image. Below is the output of rostopic:
$ rostopic echo /visualization_marker
seq: 401
secs: 149
nsecs: 462000000
frame_id: kinect2_rgb_optical_frame
ns: basic_shapes
id: 8
type: 1
action: 0
x: -0.151297542
y: 0.000741795717294
z: 0.44793458834
x: 0.95382124573
y: -0.00821160004013
z: 0.241985041143
w: 0.177766252933
x: 0.045
y: 0.045
z: 0.009
r: 0.5
g: 0.0
b: 0.5
a: 1.0
secs: 1
nsecs: 0
frame_locked: False
points: []
colors: []
text: ''
mesh_resource: ''
mesh_use_embedded_materials: False
I want to get the image (in the form of sensor_msgs/Image
) as it is seen in rviz using python in ros.
Originally posted by ravijoshi on ROS Answers with karma: 1744 on 2017-03-30
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by lucasw on 2017-03-30:
Does the Marker appear in rviz in the regular 3D view? If so make an rviz Axes and set it to the camera frame_id, and make sure the z-axis is pointed in the general direction of the marker you want to see overlaid on the Image.
Comment by ravijoshi on 2017-03-30:
If I disable (unselect checkbox) camera, I can see the visualization marker. However it appears bigger and misplaced in the screen. But once I enable camera view, I can see marker in proper place (on the top of camera image)
Comment by huanxiner on 2017-03-30:
I am not sure if I understand you completely, but are you looking for a topic with 'rendered' camera+marker images? If so I don't believe it is readily available in rviz..
Comment by ravijoshi on 2017-03-30:
@huanxiner: Please see the first image in the question. This image is being displayed by rviz. Notice that the identified marker has been colored in this picture by rviz. I want to get this image (including the colored/detected marker) in ros python code.