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since i have only laser scanner and trying to show obstacles in a built map via hector_slam/gmapping.

first i tried to use costmap_2d only but i have some problems in there ( my previous question about it ) , and this too so at the same time i want to try move_base launch to see costmap in it with help of amcl...

is this possible to use move_base without having an actual robot?

Originally posted by bsk on ROS Answers with karma: 73 on 2016-06-28

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Yes, it will just send motion commands into nothing, and then probably go into some failures, etc. when nothing moves, so it's a bit pointless. If you are interested only in the costmap, you can just can a costmap ROS instance.

Originally posted by dornhege with karma: 31395 on 2016-06-28

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by bsk on 2016-06-28:
cuz of my trial in costmap_2d only has some problems (link in the question) so i think maybe amcl can solve my problem. if the failures are just about move goal or sth like that its ok for me. i just want to manage to see some costmap succesfully

Comment by dornhege on 2016-06-29:
For the costmap, just a CostMap instance is sufficient. Complete move_base should also work and fail to execute, etc.. This makes mostly sense as preparation if you plan to execute something at some point in time.

Comment by bsk on 2016-06-29:
just want to see obstacles so yes costmap is the only thing i need but, didnt manage it :/ cuz static map from mapserver and costmap itself isnt match (i think its because lack of localization) anyway thanks, i'm trying the both (costmap only and move_base) i hope i can solve that unmatching problem


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