I'm having a weird error with remapping arguments on Fuerte. In my rospy node, I have a line like
baud_rate = rospy.param('~baud',4800)
so when I'd like to change that on the commandline, I tried
rosrun nmea_gps_driver nmea_gps_driver.py _baud:=38400
but instead of the parameter being set, I get the following error:
ERROR: Invalid remapping argument '_baud:=38400'
That remapping works just fine in Electric and I don't see anything in the rosrun or Fuerte Migration Guide.
In case it matters, I'm working against the latest Fuerte .debs on Ubuntu 11.10.
Minimal reproducible example:
# test.py
import roslib
import rospy
test_param = rospy.get_param('~test', 4800)
print "Param was: %d" % (test_param)
If I run this like python test.py _test:=38400
, I get the error output. See below.
$ python test.py _test:=38400
ERROR: Invalid remapping argument '_test:=38400'
Param was: 4800
Originally posted by Eric Perko on ROS Answers with karma: 8406 on 2012-02-19
Post score: 2