I am trying to use rplidar with Ubuntu Noetic
Problem 1.
ls -l /dev/ttyUSB*
instead of
ls -l /dev | grep ttyUSB
or and * after ttyUSB
Problem 2.
are you in dir '~/...
Request for help in installing Jazzy on Ubuntu 20.04
You can use docker...
You can follow this for installing the docker on Ubuntu 20.
Then you need to pull jazzy's image...
You can follow this for installing jazzy's image.
Writing a Publisher and Subscriber to wirelessly communicate over 2 Linux PCs in C
What you are asking for is not supported. You can not create a ros node using plain C. However, there is a fairly straightforward way: a C++ application can have both C and C++ files, and the C-...
Installing ROS2 without Internet Access
Another option could be using pre-build Docker images like ros:foxy (Dockerhub link) and optionally developing inside a VSCode DevContainer (ROS tutorial) bound to a repository folder. This makes sure ...
Can we install ROS 1 and ROS 2 in the same system running on Ubuntu 20.04?
Yes, we can install ROS and ROS 2 in the same system. Just make sure you source the right version of setup.bash:
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ubuntu-20.04 × 18ros2 × 7
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