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Robot_localization - navsat_transform_node: "Will not remove offset of navsat device from robot's origin" - SOLVED: tf timestamps were too far in time

I experienced issues while using the robot_localization package and got an answer, so I wanted to share it here. Summary: I was using the navsat_transform_node with data coming both from a ros2_bag ...
vlacorre's user avatar
2 votes

How do I set publish_time on a ROS2 mcap?

Final response: After writing my second draft I was going to try it out and I see a ros2 bag option from ros2 bag record -h that looks like it does exactly what you ...
Tully's user avatar
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Record ros2 bag specifying recording time

An alternative solution that I found is by storing the PID: ...
Paolo's user avatar
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How do I set publish_time on a ROS2 mcap?

Taking a look to the API for Python it seems that you can also write a timestamp of the moment of publishing besides the msg.header.stamp of the ...
ivrolan's user avatar
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Is it possible to record or log specific topics in ROS2 without publishing?

If there is no need to publish other than to log, you can directly write the messages to a bag instead, see the tutorial here. An alternatively idea (just an idea, not tested) is to add a "logger ...
JRTG's user avatar
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Ros2 bag record from multiple topics using node

After trying to do it myself, and inspecting the source code for the Writer classes in ros2bag_py library, it looks like it's just not possible. Did you manage to do it?
Dimitrije Zdrale's user avatar
1 vote

ROS 2 Bag Record with Topic Remapping

Unfortunately, you cannot remap on record side in ROS2 version of rosbag. But you can do that on play side: ...
Dmitry Klimenkov's user avatar
1 vote

rosbag2 playback timing/synchronization issue

This may be due to a bug in rosbag2 with split recordings, as per these github issues: Playing of bag which is recorded with split by duration/size is not working properly Play back of split bagfile ...
Xilef11's user avatar
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rosbag2 playback timing/synchronization issue

you could try playing your bag with the clock tag, if you have not recorded the /clock topic: ...
Metz's user avatar
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How to stop writing to a bag file when using the rosbag2_py API?

One possible approach (that was often done in ROS1 since there wasn't a stable rosbag API) would be to instead use Python subprocess to call the ros2 bag record ...
Mike Ferguson's user avatar

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