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3 views syntax error on source

I'm running Ubuntu 22.04 on my desktop computer (9th gen intel i5 processor, nvidia gtx 1080 gpu). I followed the instructions to install the Ros 2 Rolling Ubuntu binaries for my system (from this ...
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source setup.bash in install space does not work when deployed onto different machine

I install my catkin workspace on machine A to a directory (e.g. /home/usera/catkin_ws/install) and would like to use it on machine B in a different location (let's ...
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What is /opt/ros/groovy/ for in the ~/.bashrc

I'm now transferring from Fuerte to Groovy. I found that after setting up the workspace, I don't need the line "source /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash" in ~/.bashrc . It seems that only "...
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1 view uses rm without -f: errors on login/new shell

Hi! I have defined: alias rm='rm -i' to prevent myself from desasters. Unfortunately ROS uses rm in a way, that I get asked to remove the file /tmp/ while logging in or starting ...
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roscd returns "bash: reldir: unbound variable"

Hi everyone, When going through the tutorial, I get errors with certain ROS (navigation) functions: ...
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respond error of

according to the Ros installing tutorials Installing and Configuring Your ROS Environment when i type $ it gives me the error of "bash: No such file or directory" and when i type $...
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I found most of the ROS packages are in home/user/ros but the latest in /opt/ros/

Hi all, After I finish the beginner level tutorial actually I am a bit lost.. I don't have the 2dnav_pr2 package. I start wandering around the forum. Based on
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source command not found

Hello, I'm trying to install ros on my ubuntu 11.10 and get it work. I followed successfully the tutorial here and I'm attempting to the following ...
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ROS PATH and after Installation

Hello.. I have followed the instructions of installation but i don't understand what I am supposed to do with ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. Can someone please tell me the steps to go forward.. As when i perform ...
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problem in installation stuck.... Might be a rookie question please guide

HI... I am trying to install the ROS complete desktop environment.... in mac osx lion. ...
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Trouble with tutorial

I am new to linux, but I'm trying my best to deal with the terminal command line. I've finally got the right version of linux and ros diamondback installed in a virtual machine and I'm trying to work ...
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