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ROS1 Custom messages generates strange memory graph pattern when using multiple string types

In ROS1 Noetic, I have the following custom message named Test.msg: int32 did string a string b And I have another custom message TestList.mgs: Test[] testList In ...
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Should I unregister from Publishers/Subscribers when I terminate a ROS node by exiting the script?

Hi everyone. So my question is pretty much what the title is. Is it good practice or even necessary to unregister from ROS publishers or subscribers I used inside my ROS node before terminating the ...
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Using ROS namespaces programmaticaly

It seems like the simple question, but is it possible to control robots with different ROS namespaces in one launch file programmaticaly? For example, i want to move robot1 one meter forward, and ...
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get all the active namespaces rospy | roscpp

In my project, multiple robots may be spawned both at launch and at runtime, each under a certain namespace. Generally, that is 'robot_ID' where ID == a robot-...
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python node bad interpreter

the c++ version is working but python shows the following : rosrun hello_world /opt/ros/lunar/bin/rosrun: /home/kamal/catkin_ws/src/hello_world/script/ usr/bin/env: bad ...
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Where I can find a list of dependencies?

I don't know where find or what dependencies to use when I will create a package dependencies. It's possible create a depends? For example, in the Tutorial I see rospy, roscpp and std_msgs. Where I ...
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Where are my node log files?

We have a system with a few dozen nodes, started from a top-level launch file consisting mostly of <include> tags. Most of them are ...
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callback models for roscpp and rospy

For example, I have a ROS node that has several callback and timers. Those callbacks and timers need to read or modify the same global variable. Should I use mutex or other locking mechanism to ...
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Rospy and udp sockets

Hi, I want to send data (x,y and yaw values) over UDP to a system that isn't running ROS (a myRIO or any other micro-controller) I am using a code written in in python (ROSpy) by someone in else that ...
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image_transport republish One Time Use

Folks, I have several rosbags, 8 seconds long each, which only contain compressed depth images. Since rospy does not support compressedDepth (as far as I know) I am using ...
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running rosmsg show from code

Hi, is there a way (possibly in Python) to call the command line command rosmsg show from code, passing as an argument the name of the message/service and getting ...
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Issues with header seq value (first value in rospy is 1, first value in roscpp is 0, access from roscpp)

I was planning to use Header seq value to verify that communication in my system of ROS-nodes (using ROS Indigo) is synchronized, however, I discovered a couple issues with that value. If that's a bug,...
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ROS Answers SE migration: c++ or python

I am currently using python to make stuff in ROS, would it be worthwhile to learn cpp? Are there things you can't do with python? Is it easier to program things with c++? Originally posted by Mr. CEO ...
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rospy Reaction to ROSCore Shutdown

When running a node in python (or C++), is there a way to detect the loss of ROSCore or the ROSMaster? I understand how to detect shutdown of the node itself, but need to be able to handle, in my own ...
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Using spinOnce inside Services

I would like to know whether it is safe or bad practice to spin ROS inside a while loop that exists inside a service callback. I am unable to use actions for this particular goal, and have confirmed ...
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import rospy when calling a python script from a c++ executable

I have a Robai Cyton gamma arm that I'm attempting to connect to with ROS by trying to call a Python script from a C++ program. What I want to do is use C++ and OpenCV to get a video from an Xbox ...
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Difference between rosrun and directly launching an executable

What are the differences between : rosrun mynode program And : cd /path/to/mynode ./program Why is the first (I assume) ...
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rospy subscriber buffer length

Hi This is from the C++ subscriber tutorial ...
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How to call methods defined in python in a node written in C++

Hi, I want to call quat_to_angle() and normalize_angle() methods defined in in the turtlebot_calibration package in my node written in C++. There is no header file generated of calibrate....
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roscpp failure to call service written in rospy

Is it ok to write a Ros node in cpp to call a ros service written in python? I'm able to use "rosservice call /service" to do that, but using cpp to call the same service just didn't work. ...
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How to set verbosity/logger levels programmatically?

Hi All, Is there a way to set verbosity/logger levels programmatically (up to node levels if possible)? How? I have looked at here and here. It seems that I should somehow use ...
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How can a C++ state machine communicate with a python script?

Hi, I am wondering how I could tell a python script to execute from a c++ code. My specific problem is, to activate a pocketsphinx script to recognize spoken commands. But pocketsphinx is written in ...
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Do the default subscription constructors block?

Please forgive me if documentation on this issue is the proverbial snake that should have bit me, but based on some initial explorations it looks like the ...
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roscpp using simulated time

I am trying to run gmapping_slam on some old data to improve the position estimate and during my use of the resulting /map -> /odom I realized the stamp on the transforms were using the current ...
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is tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler equal with tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw in functional?

is tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler equal with tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw in functional? Originally posted by gong on ROS Answers with karma: 164 on 2011-07-12 Post score: 1
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