I have a Robai Cyton gamma arm that I'm attempting to connect to with ROS by trying to call a Python script from a C++ program.
What I want to do is use C++ and OpenCV to get a video from an Xbox Kinect. From the kinect video I want to be able to click on a point in the image and send the x-y-z position (after converting them to my robot coordinate system) to a Python Script using OpenRave to figure out the inverse kinematics. After the position of my joint angles are known I want to use ROS to send them to the robot.
Currently, I can send the x-y-z locations and find the inverse kinematics no problem and everything works together nicely when I don't have import rospy in my python script(not trying to send the robot my joint angles). I also can move the robot with a different python script I have so I know I can connect with and move it.
Without the ROS commands to try to publish to the robot when I run the c++ exe I get the joint angles for the different links of my robot.
getIndicesFromJointNames [0] ['link1']
[ 1. 0.78545125 0.62655888 0.96602943 1.01751733 1.06180138
-0.7132951 ]
When I add the command
import rospy
and subsequently try to publish them to the robot
> rospy.init_node('shoulder_roll')
> ...
> ...
pub = rospy.Publisher('/theta_2/command', Float64)
pub = rospy.Publisher('/theta_3/command', Float64)
pub = rospy.Publisher('/theta_4/command', Float64)
I get the error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/nick/fuerte_workspace/Robai/bin/test.py", line 22, in run
import rospy
File "/opt/ros/fuerte/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/__init__.py", line 49, in <module>
from .client import spin, myargv, init_node, \
File "/opt/ros/fuerte/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/client.py", line 53, in <module>
import rospy.core
File "/opt/ros/fuerte/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/core.py", line 66, in <module>
from rospy.names import *
File "/opt/ros/fuerte/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/names.py", line 86, in <module>
_mappings = load_mappings(sys.argv)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv'
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated
Thanks, Nick
Originally posted by nickd on ROS Answers with karma: 92 on 2013-08-05
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by mdtobi on 2013-12-06:
Hi Nick,
Did you make any progress on this issue? I'm asking, because I'm receiving the same error while importing rospy in a c++ class.
I've already looked into the names.py but the load_mappings object has an 'argv' attribute, so the error-message is kind of misguiding me.
Kind regards,