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Questions tagged [pr2-simulator]

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how to install pr2_simulator on lunar?

I installed pr2_simulator,and launched "pr2_gazebo pr2.launch" with info: ResourceNotFound: pr2_controller_manager. I'd like to know how to install it on LUNAR and I'm a beginner. many ...
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unable to create a ros package in pr2_controller tutorial

I am following the tutorial, Using the low-level robot base controllers to drive the robot. I got a pr2 in gazebo and rosran the pr2 controller manager. When I try to roscreate-pkg drive_base_tutorial ...
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Tutorial on PR2 simulation in Electric or Fuerte?

Hi, does someone have experience with running advanced PR2 simulation (pr2_simulator), i.e. door opening or pick and place, using Electric or Fuerte? The tutorials ends with Diamondback. What I am ...
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pr2 complete SLAM process

Hello, I'm currently focusing on the way I can make a PR2 do SLAM in gazebo. I went through navigation stack tutorial, and pr2_2dnav_slam. The latter is quite interesting, but goals are still user-...
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what is the meaning for the orientation of pr2 arm in cartesion controller?

I try to use the keyboard control the pr2 simulator, but Ĩ can not get a clear idea about the mean setting of orientation. ...
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ROS/Gazebo crashes when spawing PR2 robot model

Hello all. I am new to ROS and also to this mailing group, so let me introduce myself breifly: I am a student in Computer Vision and Robotics and currently working on my master's thesis which needs to ...
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using camera sensor in gazebo simulation

hi all, how can i use the camera sensor? I configurated my camera in the urdf file, now i need to see what the camera see. could you suggest me same examples or documentation? thanks in advance. ...
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3d mesh model of robot based on joint states

I want to determine the projection of the robot arms (PR2) onto its cameras so that I can mask these regions out of the images. Has anyone done this before? I see some relevant code in the ...
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Gazebo IRSensor parameters configuration xml

Hi everyone, I was working with simulator_gazebo developer version to create IR and SonarSensor for gazebo (in diamondback), and i made it!! but now, in order to use my work everyone need to install ...
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Hi, I am trying to perform the move_arm tutorials for the pr2. Once I run ./bin/move_arm_joint_goal in the 'simple_armstack_goals' package I am getting the following error: [ERROR] [1316613106....
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Using real-world Kinect with Gazebo

I'm new to the ROS community. I have a general question: Is it possible to use a data from a real-world kinect to guide a simulated robot (e.g. PR2) in Gazebo? If so, how hard will it be to do ...
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Does 'Battery' matter to simulated pr2 robot

I noticed that, when running pr2 in simulation for a long time, the battery will go down eventually to 0. Does that matter when there's no battery, if so, how to charge it? Thanks Originally posted ...
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`Frame id /base_link does not exist` in pr2 simulation

I had pr2 robot running in gazebo. I want to get the pose of r_wrist_roll_link with respect to base_link but got an error here. <...
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A clear path to a simulated pr2 grasping demo?

Hello, I've been futzing with the pr2 pick-and-place demo(s) to no avail. There is more than one tutorial:
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Problem picking items up in Gazebo with PR2

Hello, I've set up my own world in Gazebo and now want the PR2 in the simulation grasp the items and pick them up. Therefore I have a script (script from aaai_lfd_demo: https://bosch-ros-pkg.svn....
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PR2 teleoperation in simulation

Hello all, Is there a tutorial on how to get the realtime teleoperation controllers (like JTTeleop) working in the gazebo PR2 simulation? I can't seem to find one and my own attempts haven't worked ...
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gazebo and RViz are not synchronized?

All, I'm using pr2_teleop to move pr2 in gazebo simulator. The robot moves fine in gazabo, but the movement does not show up in RViz. Are these two not synchronized? Or these two serve different ...
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How to control pr2 head in gazebo

Hi all, I'm trying to control pr2's head (i.e., moving up and down, left and right) in simulation, but couldn't get it working. To this effort, I start with playing with controlling right gripper as ...
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Reading bumper state from PR2

System: Ubuntu 10.10, kernel 2.6.35-27, 64 bit. ROS: Latest diamondback from the repositories. I'm following the PR2 tutorial here: ...
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