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Fovis_ros using freenect_launch has depth image format error

Hello, I'm running ROS in indigo and use fovis_ros by freenect with a kinect xbox360. But there is an error: Depth image must be in 32bit floating point format! I ...
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Fovis_ros depth image format error

Hello, I'm running ROS Hydro on Ubuntu 12.04 and trying to use the fovis_ros's mono_depth_odometer with a Kinect, but I'm facing the following problem: First I tested the openni package with ...
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Trouble building fovis_ros on Hydro

Hello, I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 with ROS Hydro and wanted to test fovis_ros with a Kinect, but I'm having trouble building the package. Following the advice given in this question I executed the ...
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How do I install and build fovis_ros?

Hello, I'm attempting to install and use fovis_ros, and I feel as though I'm missing something. I did the following in a top-level ROS workspace: cd /src sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-fovis ...
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fovis_ros with kinect get no odom result

Hi, I'm now using fovis_ros to do visual odometry, i can get the topic /camera/rgb/image_rect, /camera/depth_register/image_rect, but Synchronized tuples was zero. And i can't get the visual ...
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Publishing tf from base_link to camera using Kinect error

Hello, I'm publishing a tf from base_link to camera_rgb_optical_frame in order to calculate robot motion from camera motion. When doing this using a frame_tf_broadcaster similar to the one seen in the ...
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RViz camera view: other coordinate frame convention

I'm currently doing some experiments with fovis_ros and a kinect . This works pretty well, but fovis uses an other type of coordinate frames where +X is to the right, +Y is down and +Z is forward. The ...
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