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Questions tagged [catkin-pkg]

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Error "No module named 'catkin_pkg'" while creating catkin_package

Hi, I am creating catkin package and for that I have been following this page. I can run all the commands in that page correctly with out error except the following one ...
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How to create a python script that works with python3 and 2

In the install space, python scripts have their shebang changed to the version specified with PYTHON_EXECUTABLE. In the devel workspace this also happens for ...
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Relationship between rospkg and catkin_pkg (& ament_package)

AFAIUC currently rospkg and catkin_pkg provide Python API for package info handling in ROS1. I'm willing to add an API, which I mainly target catkin pkgs with at ...
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How to run ROS if your default python version is 3.x via Anaconda

Hey there, the default python version I use on my Ubuntu 16.04 machine is 3.6 (Anaconda) and I'm trying to setup my catkin workspace. When I run catkin_make, I get ...
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catkin_make failure due to Python Anaconda

Hi all, I have been cracking my head over this one. Recently I installed Anaconda Python for a different project. Today I tried installing ROS indigo on my 14.04 Ubuntu. When I do a catkin_make, it ...
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catkin_pkg.package missing

Hi, I'm new to Ubuntu/Linux and I am trying to install ROS. I am following the instructions but run into a cmake error when I run catkin_make. Here's the output from that command. It seems that there ...
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Creating ROS Workspace - catkin_make catkin_pkg error

ROS VERSION : INDIGO (desktop-full) OS : Ubuntu 14.04 I install ROS using prebuild debian(sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-desktop-full). Going through ROS tutorials, i get the following error while ...
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How to configure catkin + catkin_pkg from source?

This question is related to but it seemed better to ask separately than to hijack that thread. I'm using ...
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Install catkin package from source (smach_tutorial)?

Hi there, I'm having quite a bit of trouble understanding how to get a package installed via catkin. I am hoping to run through the smach tutorials - and this seems to necessitate install the ...
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cmake failed catkin_pkg

Hi, I'm going through the ROS tutorials and am stuck at creating a workspace ( When I try and run catkin_make, I keep getting the following <...
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Error [Errno 89] Function not implemented while source installing catkin_pkg

This is actually cross-posted on stackoverflow to ask as a general python question. Here I ask in ROSy way. On ...
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A question in catkin concepts

I am confusing when I read the following part of Catkin Concepts "A <run_depend> entry will define any dependency that a 3rd package using our new package needs to also have in the ...
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Bootstrapping a Groovy install?

I've been trying to get a groovy install running, from scratch / source, and I have found a couple of tutorials for starting from catkin, but none of them work. I have tried these on Ubuntu precise, ...
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