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Hi All,

I am very new to ROS, raspberry pi and linux. I already install Hydro into my raspberry pi. I can run roscore.

Next I want to run freenect_launch. I can'y sudo apt-get install freenect_stack. It say Unable to locate package freenect_stack. I check with apt-cache search freenect. It didn't have anything about freenect_stack/freenect_launch

When I apt-cache search openni there is nothing. Should I add source.list? how do i do that?

How to i apt-get freenect_stack and use roslaunch freenect_launch freenect.launch ?

Sorry I am very new to all this. Do please link me if already have answered.

Originally posted by qlouis76 on ROS Answers with karma: 13 on 2014-09-29

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by balakumar-s on 2014-09-29:
Are you trying to connect a Microsoft Kinect to a raspberry pi? What linux are you using in rpi?

Comment by qlouis76 on 2014-09-29:
Debian. Thanks for your reply. I follow this tutorial to install hydro. http://wiki.ros.org/ROSberryPi/Setting%20up%20Hydro%20on%20RaspberryPi

Comment by balakumar-s on 2014-09-29:
If you are trying to connect Microsoft kinect to raspberry pi, it is not possible due to limitations in bandwidth on the rpi.

Comment by qlouis76 on 2014-09-29:
Are you sure? I search the net, there are some successful project on kinect and raspberry pi

Comment by jacksonkr_ on 2016-03-28:
I've got indigo running on a rpi2B (raspbian:jessie) and the kinect works with the freenect drivers. I've read that you can compile openni from github and that works too.


2 Answers 2


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I tried interfacing kinect with a beaglebone black, I could not get the data stream from kinect. Try Odroid it is much faster. If you still want to use kinect with raspberry pi, you must either overclock it or like this, doing it from scratch. ROS +rpi + kinect cannot be done as it requires more processing power. Most of the projects that people have done would include a desktop pc to which they interface the kinect and stream the control data to rpi to control some actuators.

Originally posted by balakumar-s with karma: 137 on 2014-09-29

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by qlouis76 on 2014-09-30:
thank you for your explanation. I think i need to shift my work to using a laptop to process data from kinect and use raspberry pi as a controller.

Do you mind to share me some link about the project that kinect with PC + raspberry

Comment by jacksonkr_ on 2016-03-28:
I was able to do it with freenect + indigo + rpi2B


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I battled with the Kinect on my Pi for a while and gave up. I suggest using the ASUS Xtion . I managed to get that working without too much difficulty. Remember to use OpenNI2 though.


Originally posted by MarkyMark2012 with karma: 1834 on 2014-09-30

This answer was NOT ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by qlouis76 on 2014-09-30:
I wish i already had a kinect ready. So just thought of using it for a project.


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