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Dear all, I would like to know if there is a way, even a workaround, of generating dynamic_reconfigure files from a catkin package. AFAIK, there is no way currently to use dynamic_reconfigure in a catkin package as the CMake macro is not compatible (rely on rosbuild macros).

  1. Is there a workaround?
  2. Is it planned for dynamic_reconfigure to switch to catkin?


Originally posted by Thomas on ROS Answers with karma: 4478 on 2013-01-07

Post score: 2


2 Answers 2


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I believe there is a way do generate the files using catkin:

In your CMakeLists.txt

#add dynamic reconfigure api
find_package(catkin REQUIRED dynamic_reconfigure) generate_dynamic_reconfigure_options(relative_path_to_file1 relative_path_to_file2 ...)

From the dynamic reconfigure tutorial: http://ros.org/wiki/dynamic_reconfigure/Tutorials/HowToWriteYourFirstCfgFile

Originally posted by adobke with karma: 71 on 2013-01-07

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by Thomas on 2013-01-08:
Ok, I overlooked this page, this is what I am looking for, thanks.


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Examples of catkin packages using dynamic_reconfigure are image_rotate or stereo_image_proc: https://github.com/ros-perception/image_pipeline/tree/master/stereo_image_proc

It is possible that the documentation is not yet up-to-date for this, if you find it lacking, create a ticket on dynamic_reconfigure.

Originally posted by KruseT with karma: 7848 on 2013-01-08

This answer was NOT ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by Thomas on 2013-01-08:
Apparently it was not lacking, just not so obvious to find. Hope this question will makes information easier to get ;)


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