I am working on a project using ROS, and I want to integrate external hardware using an Arduino. So I thought that using the rosserial_arduino library would work wonders... I ran into trouble however.
The arduino running the basic hello world code does not seem to be sending any serial data. The receiving python node never seems to connect, and if you bring up the internal serial monitor in the arduino IDE no data is sent from the board. Running nh.initNode() seems to kill all serial communication. If I comment that line and use Serial.begin(...) in setup and Serial.print(...) in the loop everything still works. I've been working on this for two days now and is just about ready to give up and use another frontend on the computer and write my own communication using the Serial commands...
I use Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty), ros-electric from the repos, ros-electric-rosserial from the repos and arduino from the repos. I have also tried rosserial from hg, but the result is the same. I have a Duemilanove 168. I have tried on several computers with the same setup, and on two different arduinos.
Originally posted by Per Lenander on ROS Answers with karma: 55 on 2011-09-08
Post score: 0