Environment: ROS2 Foxy / ubuntu
I am trying to save a map, but I receive a timeout error, I tried using SLAM and then cartographer but i always got the error. I tried also to increase the param save_map_timeout but without success, I think the problem comes from the map_saver but i don't know how to solve it, here is the error:
[INFO] [1622781078.674465384] [map_saver]:
map_saver lifecycle node launched.
Waiting on external lifecycle transitions to activate
See https://design.ros2.org/articles/node_lifecycle.html for more information.
[INFO] [1622781078.674613664] [map_saver]: Creating
[INFO] [1622781078.675119277] [map_saver]: Saving map from 'map' topic to '/home/youssef/map.png' file
[WARN] [1622781078.675153653] [map_saver]: Free threshold unspecified. Setting it to default value: 0.250000
[WARN] [1622781078.675175138] [map_saver]: Occupied threshold unspecified. Setting it to default value: 0.650000
[ERROR] [1622781080.678197391] [map_saver]: Failed to save the map: timeout
[INFO] [1622781080.678245818] [map_saver]: Destroying
Any help please, i am tired searching and tuning params. Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by Youssef_Lah on ROS Answers with karma: 195 on 2021-06-03
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by Youssef_Lah on 2021-06-04:
Similar problem was reported a year ago but the problem still appear https://github.com/ros-planning/navigation2/issues/1864
Comment by Youssef_Lah on 2021-06-04:
Update: I've configured the ros-testing repo for Galactic, it's working well, no errors, seems like it's a bug that was patched for galactic but not for foxy