Octomap provides a projected 2d map through the topic "projected_map". I want to save this map. The map server is also running. So i remapped the topic in the octomap server launch file :
This info is given in the ros wiki: map (up to fuerte) / projected_map (since fuerte) (nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid)
Downprojected 2D occupancy map from the 3D map. Be sure to remap this topic if you have another 2D map server running. New / changed in octomap_mapping 0.4.4: The topic is now projected_map by default to avoid collisions with static 2D maps
I am able to visualise in rviz but when i try to save it :
rosrun map_server map_saver -f mapName
The default map is saved rather than the map from octomap.
Any suggestion what is wrong ??
Originally posted by kk on ROS Answers with karma: 225 on 2013-08-24
Post score: 2