Setup: ROS Kinetic, Ubuntu 16.04
on the TurtleBot platform, when launching the move_base node configured for the global_planner/GlobalPlanner, I receive the following error:
Failed to create the global_planner/GlobalPlanner planner, are you sure it is properly registered and that the containing library is built? Exception: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class global_planner/GlobalPlanner with base class type nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner does not exist. Declared types are navfn/NavfnROS
I load move_base_params.yaml
within move_base
as follows:
<node pkg="move_base" type="move_base" respawn="false" name="move_base" output="screen" >
<rosparam file="$(find robust_navigation)/param/move_base_params.yaml" command="load" />
where the base_global_planner
param is defined in move_base_params.yaml
as follows:
base_global_planner: "global_planner/GlobalPlanner"
I've re-installed the nav stack and re-built my workspace to no avail.
Originally posted by ryanoldja on ROS Answers with karma: 60 on 2017-11-29
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by David Lu on 2017-11-30:
What does rospack find global_planner