Hi, I am using Snapdragon_Dev_Board(eagle8074/Snapdragon801) with Stereo Camera. Snapdragon_Dev_Board has Linux Linaro 14.04(pre-loaded). I have installed ROS-Indigo on top of it. I am running two nodes snap_cam_ros https://github.com/ATLFlight/snap_cam_ros and dfs_ros_example https://github.com/ATLFlight/dfs-ros-example
to get the disparity image, depth image and point cloud.
While I am launching the snap_cam_ros on [Snapdragon_Dev_Board + Linux Linaro 14.04(pre-loaded) + ROS-Indigo] environment , using:
roslaunch snap_cam_ros stereo.launch
it is showing the following error:
[ INFO] [7122.158294089]: using default calibration URL [ INFO] [7122.159528307]: camera calibration URL: file:///camera_info/left.yaml [ INFO] [7122.160654714]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/camera_info/left.yaml] [ WARN] [7122.161524713]: Camera calibration file /camera_info/left.yaml not found. [ INFO] [7122.162679974]: using default calibration URL [ INFO] [7122.163516068]: camera calibration URL: file:///camera_info/right.yaml [ INFO] [7122.164247578]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/camera_info/right.yaml] [ WARN] [7122.164905130]: Camera calibration file /camera_info/right.yaml not found. How to resolve this error: Can anyone help me out? Regards, Parwana Shahdi
Originally posted by Parwana Shahdi on ROS Answers with karma: 11 on 2017-11-16
Post score: 0