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After searching around I couldn't find anything on this topic, so I thought I would post this here. I am relatively new to the Turtlebot scene, and I am working with a Kobuki base operating with an Asus laptop running Ubuntu 12.04. I am curious if anyone has tried to integrate the new Xbox One Kinect onto the Turtlebot platform?

If anyone has, was it worth it? Would it be directly replaceable?

Originally posted by anonymous34234 on ROS Answers with karma: 11 on 2014-07-21

Post score: 1


1 Answer 1


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Would it be directly replaceable?

Simple answer: No.

So far I've seen no working Linux integration of the new Kinect.

Even the Clearpath guys use a work around. See here. They connect the Kinect to a Windows PC and send only the data to Linux.

But you're not alone waiting for ROS integration of this device.

Originally posted by BennyRe with karma: 2949 on 2014-07-22

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by anonymous34234 on 2014-07-22:
I figured that was the case. Thank you for your answer.

Comment by srik11 on 2016-01-17:
Hi!, Have you been able to get the new kinect (kinect for xbox one) run on Linux?. I have been facing some issues. I figure it must be because of the usb incompatibility. I am using a usb 3.0 port but still face issue. Wanted to know whether you have been able to get it work. Thanks for your time.


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