Hi, I was trying to visualize a sensor_msgs/Image message using Rviz and had no success. Then, I found image_viewer plugin in rqt (rqt_image_viewer) and the image was always there. Is this an issue in Rviz? Do I have to report it as a bug? or Do these tools work in different ways?
P.D.: I'm using Hydro on Ubuntu 13.04
Originally posted by gustavo.velascoh on ROS Answers with karma: 756 on 2014-02-09
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by ahendrix on 2014-02-09:
I've seen this on OS X, and just assumed it was an OSX bug. Are you seeing it on Linux as well?
Comment by gustavo.velascoh on 2014-02-09:
Yes @ahendrix, I'm running Hydro on Ubuntu 13.04
Comment by ahendrix on 2014-02-09:
This sounds like an rviz bug, then. I'll open a ticket.