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In MicroROS/Agent Is there a message size limit when both the Pub/Sub are MicroROS node

Note: This is a repost from the Slack channel I am trying to send a CompressedImage type from a camera node to an LCD Node and it appears that I am sending messages, but the callback on the ...
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web video server over HTTPS

I'm on ROS 2 Humble and my web app is on https. Is there any way I can make web_video_server stream the image topics over HTTPS/SSL instead of HTTP so I can use ...
gxomalis's user avatar
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Gazebo - Add files to GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH at runtime

I am working on a project in ROS2 and Gazebo where I have to stream images at runtime and load them onto textures to place into the world as a robot moves around. From ROS2 I have managed without ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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Iron & Windows: Error code 3221226505 when running ROS 2 node with ros2 run

I am trying implementing the tutorial of "Using quality-of-service settings for lossy networks". When I try to run the showimage node in the image_tools package using the ros2 run command: <...
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ros node to convert 16-bit color images to 8-bit?

Is there a ros node to convert 16-bit color depth images to 8-bit? image_proc outputs both color and mono retain the 16-bit color. image_transport republish raw to compressed produces a format ...
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Read h264 compressed images with rosbag API

Below is an example of how to use the ROSBag API to extract image data from a ROSBag file, and then visualize that data using OpenCV. ...
Federico Nardi's user avatar
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Opening an image file with ros

I want ROS to help me open an image file when a trigger/condition occurs. For example I have a hello world program, which prints: hello world [1] hello world [2] hello world [3] when the hello world ...
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E: Unable to locate package ros-humble-cv-camera

I tried solution from @javisshultz echo "deb
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Noetic python raw Image publisher (from video)

Hi everyone, I have spent nearly 2 full days with this problem now and have some extensive research, but just can't figure it out. My apologies for being a burden, I ussually hesitate to waste anyones ...
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Image Subscriber Lags (despite queue_size=1 and buff_size=2**30)

Hi, I have been working on a Python class that will allow me to spawn an object in gazebo, take an image of the object, and then delete that object, for a given number of objects that I provide. I am ...
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rviz2 not showing images since update - probable QoS

I ran a system update of my Ubuntu 20.04 today. Since then I can not see image topics in rviz2 like before. I assume it is an QoS issue, but I can not solve it. My rviz version should be ...
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Unsyncronization on image classification of an image topic

Hello. I am trying to use Tensorflow lite to implement image classification. To do this I subscribe to the RGB image topic of a Realsense D435. Here I declared my subscription and publications: ...
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ROS2 Performance: rclpy is 30x-100x slower than rclcpp

Hi there, TL;DR: Publishing a typical 10MB Pointcloud on a very fast system takes only 2.8 ms in rclypp but 92 ms in rclpy. We observed significant latency/performance problems when publishing large ...
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sending image to html

Hi, I am getting the following error in Rosbridge WebSocket server when I try to send an image to a html web page using roslibjs with cvbridge "Tried to register topic /camera/image/compressed ...
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Open image from file with image_publisher

Hi everybody, I try to publish an an Image (bmp.file) to an camera stream with image_publisher. I want to display this Image with image_view. But here I got an error. Can somebody tell me how to fix ...
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realtime image subscriber

Hi, I wrote a subscriber to subscribe the image message send from the topic /gi/simulation/left/image_raw and convert it using CV.bridge(). However, the problem is that, this subscriber only shows a ...
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Subscriber - perform callback on 'most current' data received

Hey everybody, I've been messing a bit with a subscriber node and i'm getting stuck. Little bit of background: I have a topic where a camera publishes images with a frequency of 10 hz (ish). I have ...
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sensor_msgs/Image data to sensor_msgs/CompressedImage data

I have an industrial camera (DVP interface), and I added some code in the driver to convert the cv image into ros image data. I want to use this camera to test the fiducials package. But it needs to ...
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Difference between image_transport::Subscriber AND ros::Subscriber?

What is the Difference between image_transport::Subscriber AND ros::Subscriber?. Which is more efficient? Originally posted by JeyP4 on ROS Answers with karma: 62 on 2019-03-21 Post score: 0
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How to subcribe both Image topic and Text topic in the same time?

Hi buddy, I am newbie in ROS. And this is the first time i'm trying to subcribe 2 topics type, 1 for Image topic and 1 for Array of ints topic. And i have a problem on it. This is my source code: <...
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camera calibration algorithm

Hello everyone ! I wanted to calibrate my camera ( Bus 001 Device 002: ID 058f:3881 Alcor Micro Corp.) screen I did everything that was written in this article and tried with this video But nothing ...
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Python: message_filter AttributeError when registering callback

So I've wrapped my python node in a class, and I've been trying to approximate sync two messages at once (one being Image and another custom message ...
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Image overlay with transparency (sensors_msg/Image) on mapviz

Hi everyone, I've written a simple node which reads in a png file with transparency and publishes it to a certain topic. The topic is then subscribed by mapviz to display the image as an overlay. ...
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Pointcloud transform issue

I have a setup where I am fusing PointCloud2 and cameras to get XYZIRGB cloud. pcl::PointCloud<XYZIRGB> points_front, points_back; Both ...
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USB camera does not take any pictures when ROS is launched at system startup

I have been trying to take pictures using a USB cam connected to my Jetson TX2. My code works pretty well when I execute it from terminal using the command ...
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Can I use image transport for the two different image topics?

Using an RGBD camera (RealSense D435), we want to log compressed color images (JPEG 'compressed'), and depth images (PNG 'compressedDepth'). The realsense driver publishes these compressed topics ...
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different encodings of depth image for real & simulated kinect

Hi all I've got a Gazebo simulation of a kinect camera, where I'm subscribing to the ROS topic /camera/depth/image_raw, which is of type sensor_msgs/Image. I also ...
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sensor_msgs.msg Image type value error. "Not a message data class"

I'm getting a value error when trying to run this code: front_image_pub = rospy.Publisher('/front_camera/image_raw', Image, queue_size=10) The precise error is: <...
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MATLAB 16uc1 or 32fc1 Conversion

I have some image processing code in MATLAB and am attempting to use it with ROS. I read in a PointCloud2 object and execute readRGB(ptcloud) and ...
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Create a subscriber to an Image topic

Hi, Im trying to wrtie a node that subscribes to a image topic, however, after almost copying the ros tutorial, I keep getting an error. The relevant parts of my code are: ...
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time synchronization

I write the following launch code in order to record synchronized data from 4 topics (color image, depth image, joy command, and IMU) ...
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ROS msg including image and related variables related to that image

I need to create a publisher which can publish an image along with a few strings, integers and arrays containing different information about the image (like number of objects, bounding boxes, name of ...
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Pointcloud to pcd file with Timestamp in name

Hello Guys, i use Ubuntu 16.04 with ros kinetic and gazebo 7.0. I have a Gazebo world with turtlebot in it. I get some Pointcloud data from /camera/depth/points. Now i want to save this data in pcd ...
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Increase the frequency at which images are updated in a subscriber

I am using code which tracks the image of a robot. Specifically, the rospy-based code I am using is here. Here's the relevant part of the code. ...
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conversion CV_32FC1 to CV_16UC1

I want to convert a depth message from CV_32FC1 to CV_16UC1. According to docs CvImage should do this..yes? ...
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How to pass an image (subscribed from a image publishing topic) using service?

Hello People, I am trying to get image from a camera fitted on a robot and pass them using services. I will use a client to grab images from the server and later process it according to the need. It ...
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question on conversion of depth image

I have a depth image (128, 414, 3) type 64FC3. I could like to convert this to be acceptable to send to rtabmap_ros/point_cloud_xyzrgb . However I am not sure how to covert this image into an ...
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dpptam image transport

I am getting this error running dpptam with a live feed from webcam. I see others with this same error posted around but under different circumstances relating to image transport and ubuntu 16. Can ...
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Transport Image tutorial issue: subscriber doesn't show image

Hello everyone, I tried to do the tutorial " Running the Simple Image Publisher and Subscriber with Different Transports " image_transport/Tutorials but I encountered an issue. When I run ...
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Faster way to get stereo images at 640x480 from Raspberry pi

Hello All, I have connected 2 logitech C930e web cameras to a Raspberry Pi3 running a Ubuntu Mate and ROS Kinetic. I want to process the images on my laptop and only remotely see what the Pi sees ...
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How to correctly publish and receive cv::Mat using cv_bridge? (C++)

Hey everyone, I am having troubles converting a cv::Mat to a sensor_msgs/Image, publishing it and doing the reverse operation to ...
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how to save the displaying map and plotted data in rviz on an image file

Hey All, I use rviz for visualization of path planning. How do I save the displaying map and plotted paths traversed by the robot on an image file like png or jpeg? I need to import the plotted data ...
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Writing a Simple Image Publisher (C++) tutorial Segmentation Fault

I am running ROS Kinetic full desktop install on Raspberrypi 3b running Debian Jessie. These are fresh installs with nothing else added. I followed the Simple Image Publisher/Subscriber tutorials ...
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ERROR: Advertise a service already advertised in this node

Folks, I am subscribing to a compressed image published (or republished) by image_proc (it takes my rgb_raw, and publishes rectified rgb and mono images, including compressed versions). But when I ...
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How to use sensor_msgs/Image message?

Hi I'm a beginner on ROS. I want to use a topic "/usb_cam/image_raw". (this topic is usb_cam package) So I made a package, and a Subscriber. However, there is still error in the ...
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how to modify and publish camera_info?

Hello. I would like to make a cropped image from raw image in python. In my program, I can subscribe /usb_cam/image_raw (...
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how to get the image topic from the other computer with WiFi

Hi everyone, I have opened the webcam with usb_cam successfully, and I can see the image_raw topic running. However, I want to get the image_stream from the other computer. How could I do to subscribe ...
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Extract video from PointCloud2

I have a rosbag file with sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 data. I want to extract a video from these data. All the ROS tools I found is related to the extraction of video from an Image topic. Is it possible ...
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Which single board computer should I chose?

Hi ros community I' m working with ros to make a robot which can go itself with image proccessing. I am using lots of hardware in this project and I used pcduino V3 until this time. But I want to ...
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Problem of saving depth image

I try to use the code below to save one frame of depth iamge from topic /camera/depth/image_raw, but the problem is I could only get a image looks black. When I read it in Matlab, the matrix elements ...
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