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I am using NAO "Osiris", NAO with laser on the head. I want to get the laser data so I can use SLAM with gmapping, etc.

How to get the laser data ?


Update : I already solved that. I decided to not use directly but from the NaoQi SDK. But as mentioned in the answer, it is very slow.

If someone need the code, I put it here :


I am using NAO robot right now. And I need to get the laser data, but the current NAO stack doesn't provide that. The NAO that I use is NAO with laser head. The laser is Hokuyo URG-04LX.

I want to create node which publish LaserScan topic that I get from NaoQi SDK. From the NaoQi, I can get this information :

  • Min/Max Degree
  • Min/Max Distance
  • Array of Distance (size about : +/- 700)

Can I use that information to create the node that publish LaserScan topic ? If yes, can someone provide me the example of Hokuyo URG-04LX laser header, angle_increment, etc ?

If it is possible, I also want the example from the Hokuyo URG-04LX in the *.bag file.

Thank you :)

Update : thanks to the comment, I already can get the information via NaoQi SDK.

I put my code here, in case someone want to use it.


Originally posted by noob_coder on ROS Answers with karma: 5 on 2013-06-25

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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You just start the hokuyo_node laser driver on the Nao and subscribe to the topic scan, that's all. For that to work you will have to crosscompile ROS (or at least the relevant parts including the hokuyo_node) for the Nao.

We also had some problems with the serial connection of the Nao's laser, so we connected the Hokuyo via USB instead.

Originally posted by AHornung with karma: 5904 on 2013-06-26

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by noob_coder on 2013-06-26:
so I must install ROS inside the NAO ? can't I retrieve that from the computer ?

Comment by AHornung on 2013-06-26:
No, how else would you access the hardware that is attached to the robot? Unless you want to plug in the Hokuyo directly into the PC...

Comment by noob_coder on 2013-06-26:
Ok, I will try it ... thx for the your information

Comment by noob_coder on 2013-07-02:
@AHornung : do you know how to open the head, so I can access the hokuyo directly ? thx

Comment by AHornung on 2013-07-02:
@noob_coder: Well, there are screws ;) Our head has a small opening where the USB port of the Hokuyo is to directly access it without opening the head.

Comment by noob_coder on 2013-07-03:
:( i didn't get permission to open the head :( ... they told me to get it without open the head ... can you help me ? can I create rostopic /scan from the data I got with python NaoQi SDK ? (i can retrieve with memory.getData("Device/Laser/Value") ? please guide me :(

Comment by AHornung on 2013-07-03:
Write a wrapper node similar to nao_sensors.py that puts the data in a scan message. We once had this, but it was awfully slow to get the data over NaoQI (3Hz vs 10Hz with the ROS Hokuyo driver).

Comment by noob_coder on 2013-07-03:
maybe I will try to get a shot, do you mind if I use your code ? can you send it to me or put it into https://gist.github.com/ ? I need that so bad :( thank you


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