Hi, I can't seem to get the Brown University Nao driver to work. I'm using the new Nao h25 model, with NaoQi SDK version 1.10.
When I run (locally on the robot) ./eyes, I am told "Could not get shared memory" (same issue as on [http://code.google.com/p/brown-ros-pkg/issues/detail?id=7]). When I run control.py, I get SOAP errors of the form "setVolume not a member of tts" and "setStiffness not a member of motion" ...
Originally posted by Nick Armstrong-Crews on ROS Answers with karma: 481 on 2011-08-22
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by Nick Armstrong-Crews on 2011-08-22:
Update: was able to get nodes to run such that I can see the /eyes topic, although it is never published to. I had to add a symlink from /opt/naoqi/modules/lib to /opt/naoqi/lib, which fixed error for eyes node; and I had to comment out setVolume, setStiffness commands in control.py