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when I have the line

"from PIL import Image"

in a node, I get the following error when running my node via rosrun

"ImportError: No module named PIL"

of course, PIL is installed in


but is not an ROS library. How can I change my manifest.xml to find PIL? If I understand correctly, rosrun clobbers my existing PYTHONPATH (when running python I can import PIL just fine).

Originally posted by jrieffel on ROS Answers with karma: 39 on 2011-04-22

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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I resolved it by explicitly putting PIL in my .bashrc's PYTHONPATH

oddly, however, python from the command line runs python 2.6.6, but rosrun on a python node somehow invokes python 2.6.1

Originally posted by jrieffel with karma: 39 on 2011-04-25

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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