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SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) refers to a robot building a map of its environment through it's sensor data (mapping) and keeping track of its own position in that map (localization) at the same time.

0 votes

slam_toolbox for general case SLAM and localization

The localization quality during a SLAM session though is quite good as long as your robot isn't slipping on ice or being pushed around. … SLAM Toolbox does SLAM. There is localization during SLAM (the "L") and mapping (the "M"). This is quite good. It depends on what you're looking for. Do you care about global correctness? …
Steve Macenski's user avatar
0 votes

ROS2 slam_toolbox: Does removing nodes harm the overall map perfromance, when updating the a...

the first is if removing nodes and then remapping the areas is hurting the map quality. I utilize the same function that the lifelong mapping uses to remove nodes and call it via a service that ether …
Steve Macenski's user avatar
1 vote

How does dense mapping/voxel occupancy grid map work with bundle adjustment?

Most commonly, for the new relative poses of the nodes containing depth data after you optimize your pose-graph, you re-generate your dense representation using that stored sensor data. So each time y …
Steve Macenski's user avatar
0 votes

Drifting issue in ROS2 using SLAM-Toolbox

This is a 2D laser scanner SLAM method. It needs 2D laser scanner like angular data coverage. …
Steve Macenski's user avatar
1 vote

Lifelong mappping in slamtoolbox

Lifelng mapping in SLAM Toolbox is in the experimental namespace and documented as an experimental-only feature. There are definitely gaps in it. …
Steve Macenski's user avatar
0 votes

Lidar LD19 Hardware Configuration with slam_toolbox

SLAM Toolbox uses a MessageFilter that won't return laser scans to the callback unless an appropriate odometry transformation can be made. … The issue you're running into is that you don't have "enough" setup to actually run the SLAM Toolbox stack, you need odometry. You can fake this out for the purposes of a demo (probably?) …
Steve Macenski's user avatar
0 votes

2D navigation with 3D map

Or is it just talking about 2D SLAM with .pgm and .yaml map style for localization and using 3D LaserScans for determining obstacles and putting it into the costmap while navigating? … I am trying to use cartographer in SLAM (and possibly in localization, too). Comment by stevemacenski on 2019-10-10: it makes no assumption what so ever on the map …
Steve Macenski's user avatar
0 votes

SLAM possibilities,where does it end?

is slam possible for a hobbyist or is it only possible inside money loaded universities ? I think that boils down alot of the other comments. SLAM is hard. … Many times, these are use-case specific and may not be as general as lidar slam. …
Steve Macenski's user avatar
0 votes

Estimated localization trajectory of the robot as a list of TF messages using SLAM Toolbox

If you create a simple node (or add to your existing autonomy node) a TF subscriber, you can simply obtain the robot pose by obtaining the map to base_link transformation at your desired capture rate …
Steve Macenski's user avatar
0 votes

Unable to locate package ros-jazzy-slam-toolbox - Cant find slam toolbox in ros jazzy

Jazzy hasn't been released yet, there are packages missing such as this and many others.
Steve Macenski's user avatar
4 votes

slam_toolbox mapping is not life-long?

They are removed, but it takes some data to do so. We store a set of hit vs misses for each cell in the grid. If you went over it and laser scans saw it in lets say 10 iterations, it would take at lea …
Steve Macenski's user avatar
1 vote

Which parameters should I modify in order to get a loopclouse using SLAM toolbox

It will make the SLAM problem proportionately slower since its doing more work, but that's the nature of what you're asking it to do. …
Steve Macenski's user avatar
1 vote

Compiling in Docker

That's a generic CMake error that you don't have geometry_msgs installed in your container. apt install ros-melodic-geometry-msgs
Steve Macenski's user avatar
0 votes

SLAM Toolbox Mapping Issue?

You probably don't have the proper TF tree setup for this to work, so the node is telling you that its dropping data because it can't do anything with it. You need to provide laser scanner frame to ba …
Steve Macenski's user avatar
0 votes

How to use smartphone IMU in ROS?

I think you have the plan down - its the details of making it happen :-) You can also just send the raw data off the phone and then publish it via ROS on the main computer (if the phone isn't the main …
Steve Macenski's user avatar

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