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Questions tagged [ros-ip]

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Getting ROS melodic from docker to communicate with ROS noetic on host PC

I'm working with ros noetic in ubuntu 20.04 with docker desktop. I'm specifically running this package, which runs a back-end for a multi-robot SLAM system. According to the authors, they have to run ...
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Ros Master-Slave Network is slow because of large amount of network overhead

I am trying to setup a multi-realsense d430 camera setup (4 cams on Jetson tx2 + 2 cams on Pi 4 = 6 cams total). I setup Jetson TX2 as Master and Pi 4 as Slave. Environment: Ros Melodic, Ubuntu 18.04 ...
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rostest: fails when using ROS_HOSTNAME (single PC)

My rostest fails with this error: Couldn't find an AF_INET address for [mypc.local] It does not fail consistently in the same place. I have no problems with: ...
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Specification of ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_HOSTNAME

Hello everyone, I would like to us ros for multiple robot instances, but have some doubts about the network setup. The idea is to have two robots that are communicating in a network. Each of them have ...
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Hello, In my understanding according to the wiki, ROS_IP is for the IP address of the host machine where a ROS node runs and ...
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Diagnostics not seen on local but seen on Robot (running ROS MASTER)

I am having problems with seeing published messages on the /diagnostics and /diagnostics_agg topics on my system. My system has a main robot that is running ROS MASTER and a laptop. I can ssh into the ...
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Couldn't find an AF_INET address for [] with Virtual Machine

So i tried a few different things already, primarily this answers: but for some reason im still getting ...
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roscore fails to start

I have just recently moved. My project worked before, but I cannot even run roscore now. This is the error I have received. Does anyone know a fix? ...
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Node on RosAndroid is not receiving images from PC

Hey guys, I have created a node on android to subscribe to a topic for images from PC. PC publishes images continuously & node on android phone subscribes for images. I have set the right IP to ...
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ROS_MASTER_URI, ROS_IP and network loss

I have two laptops, one with a running roscore, the other has running nodes connected to the roscore in the first laptop. I noticed that I have to run both launch files using the ROS_IP set to the ...
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View rqt console in other machine

Hi, I run a example topic in machine and I would like see debug messages (ROS_INFO, ROS_ERROR...) in another machine. I used export ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_IP in first machine and export ...
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Communicating with ROS over network - do not use host names

I am trying have two computers communicate over a network as described here: The problem is, no matter what I do, it seems that ros tries to communicate using hostnames. ...
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