I have two laptops, one with a running roscore, the other has running nodes connected to the roscore in the first laptop. I noticed that I have to run both launch files using the ROS_IP set to the laptop IP address, in particular, in this case, to the wlan0 card IP address. On the second laptop, I also set the ROS_MASTER_URI variable, so that it connects to the first one's roscore.
The problem is when there is a wireless connection loss, ROS master starts complying about network loss, some node dies, and, however, after a reconnection, things do not reactivate, I have to stop the launch and restart.
Is there any way to avoid this? In a robot world a wireless network loss is a probable event.
Originally posted by madmage on ROS Answers with karma: 293 on 2014-12-05
Post score: 0