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Multiple Stepper Synchronization with updating position control at specified speed

So I have build a 6-axis manipulator having all the degree of freedom. Currently I have used TeensyStep library for controlling synchronization of 6 stepper axis. Also I have tried AccelStepper ...
Harsh Dobariya's user avatar
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Is there a G-Code command to step motors - Implementing custom backlash compensation

I've designed my own cnc plotter machine. I've programmed by own "paint" program that generates G-Code which is sent from Universal G-Code Sender (UGS) to an Arduino running GRBL. As far as ...
vonLuckner's user avatar
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2 answers

Which part handles the acceleration of stepper motors?

I am learning about stepper motors. I am especially interested in them in CNC machines and 3D printers but also in general. I learned already that stepper motors need signals to accelerate and ...
Edgar's user avatar
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Does the Grbl have S-curve or harmonic velocity profiles?

I'm working on a machine and the position has a high impact by the jerk and acceleration of the machine. I'm using Grbl for my machine. Does Grbl has S-curve or Harmonic velocity profiles?
Khushal Badhan's user avatar
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How to make a CNC machine from scratch?

I want to make my own CNC machine from scratch because it's cheaper to make than buy a premade one. I noticed that some machines go for tens of thousands of dollars and I cannot understand how they ...
Noobmaster69's user avatar
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How to calculate power supply requirements for Closed Loop Stepper Motors?

I have a CNC Router table that has 4 Nema 23 stepper motor (open loop). I want to upgrade the machine and use 4 Neam 34 Closed Loop Steppers. These are the motors and drivers I'm considering: Steppers:...
oscarm's user avatar
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CNC stepper motors are loud and slow after decreasing the steps/mm from 250 to 5

I'm making a drawing robot and have hooked up my steppers to each axis. I'm using the grbl shield with arduino and nema 17 steppers. Initially the firmware was set at 250 steps/mm but with my setup ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Stepper does not turn

I always wanted to have a CNC to make PCB quickly at home. Finally, I got a 7x7 kit from zentools recently and put it together. I attached a battery powered screw driver to 2nd shaft of the stepper ...
David Duman's user avatar
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Current-limiting stepper motors for RepRap

I have been working on a robot project for a while. Now I am tired of finding parts that just does the job, so it is time to do create parts. A 3D printer will do the trick for many parts, but 3D ...
frodeborli's user avatar
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2 answers

What is minimum torque required for CNC stepper motors and spindle for aluminium milling?

I am planning to buy CNC mechanical skeleton without motors, spindle and controller. I will be using the CNC mainly for aluminium milling. Are there any specifications for minimum torque requirement ...
World's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

WHY are there no operating torque specifications on steppers?

I have been looking online for a while, and I cannot seem to find any steppers without any torque ratings. (Operating torque, not holding torque.) I even looked on hobby sites that usually have all ...
Anonymous Penguin's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How to tell a stepper motor's position, or detect slippage

I am creating a CNC machine on a budget, using old motors out of printers/scanners/etc. I am limited to about 650mA for the whole system, so my fear is that when the cutting bit touches the material,...
Anonymous Penguin's user avatar