I have been looking online for a while, and I cannot seem to find any steppers without any torque ratings. (Operating torque, not holding torque.) I even looked on hobby sites that usually have all the ratings, including Adafruit and Sparkfun. I only have found one ever that said the operating torque, however, it didn't seem that reputable and it didn't have holding torque, so it might be likely that it's a mistake. I might contact them and ask.
Am I missing something? Can I calculate what it will run at with certain factors? (How long in between each step, etc.)
The reason that I say that is I found a tutorial saying how much torque (didn't specify which kind, but I kinda assume it isn't holding) you need for a CNC machine (what I'm building).
Equation (From this site):
Torque = ((weight)(inches/revolution))/2(pi)
Also on the page:
By the way, we are talking about torque during a continual turning motion, not at a holding position.
That seems like operating torque, but what makes it the most confusing is they sell steppers and they only list the holding.
What am I missing?