I'm currently working on the navigation of a Pioneer LX robot, and I wish to migrate from the ARNL system to ROSARIA and the ROS navigation stack. However, I'm relatively new to the ROS world and a bit overwhelmed by the information available, so I wish to clarify some things in order to avoid starting unnecessary tasks and/or research. My goal is to implement the navigation stack as a replacement for ARNL to achieve a system that is not reliant on legacy code from MobileRobots.
This means I have to implement localization and autonomous navigation system. The figure at move_base tells me that I have to provide nodes from sensor transformations, odometry source etc. Since ROSARIA publishes sensor and odometry messages, I assume I only have to implement the sensor transformation node and optionally amcl.
Question: Are there sensor transforms available for the Pioneer LX already or do I have to write them my self?
Originally posted by fendrbud on ROS Answers with karma: 48 on 2019-10-15
Post score: 0