Hello everyone,
I was wondering if anyone had a working version of a launch file for a navigation stack, using a SICK LMS rangefinder for the sensor and their odometer and transform nodes, that they could let me look at to get a better understanding of how the navigation stack fits together. I've been doing the tutorial RobotSetup for the navigation stack, and after completing the transform configuration portion and using
node pkg="sicktoolbox_wrapper" type="sicklms" name="sicklms" output="screen"
with its corresponding parameters for the sick lms rangefinder I seem to be hung up. I don't quite understand where to put the odometry code, nor how to reference the transform configurations or odometry file for the node requirements during the launch file. Also, I'm using a Pioneer AT3 so I didn't know if there was an odometry package for this robot or not? Or if it is possible to use ROSARIA or p2os to build a map of a building with the robot?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Jason
Originally posted by Jason on ROS Answers with karma: 11 on 2011-03-28
Post score: 1