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This page on rviz display types http://wiki.ros.org/rviz/DisplayTypes/PointCloud on the ros website mentions a attribute that the pointcloud type is "selectable". I'm not sure what that means exactly but it sounds like something I want.

I would like to display a pointcloud, and qualitatively analyse it. During this, I would like to select a point or a group of points through mouseclicks and do simple analysis like get the point coordinates or compute the group centroid etc.

Does rviz allow you to do that?

Thank you.

Originally posted by 2ROS0 on ROS Answers with karma: 1133 on 2018-03-08

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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AFAIK, Rviz is mainly for visualization. What you want to do (select a point/group of points through mouseclicks, etc) should be done using PCL library or your private methods. Then you publish your results in Rviz for display.

Originally posted by tuandl with karma: 358 on 2018-03-08

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by 2ROS0 on 2018-03-08:
Hmm. Do you know if I could get back stuff like the mouseclick locations, viewpoints, projections from rviz? Then I could go ahead and use that for my methods.

Comment by tuandl on 2018-03-08:
I did a quick search and this #q69019 turned up :) It seems like you can select a point and its position will be printed out.


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