What is the best practice approach to transfer my ROS solution: c++-based nodes, python-based nodes, launch files, config files, ... to a target platform, excluding the source code?
Which folders from my own catkin workspace are needed?
And is there any way to find the minimal ROS package set, I need to install on the target?
Originally posted by knxa on ROS Answers with karma: 811 on 2017-06-26
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by knxa on 2017-06-26:
Ahhh, I now found a snap package tutorial:
Looks like worth having a look at. But I will leave the question open a little while, your comments are still appreciated.
Comment by lucasw on 2017-06-26:
http://answers.ros.org/question/192419/how-to-setup-bloom-to-generate-a-local-deb-outside-of-rosorg-buildfarm/ also mentions the tarring up of the catkin_ws/install dir after a catkin_make install which is easiest. The local deb building method may be easier now than when documented in that link.