I'm using the moveit_commander interface on the Fetch robot and trying to add a path constraint. Here's some example code:
constraints = Constraints()
oc = OrientationConstraint()
oc.link_name = "wrist_roll_link"
oc.header.frame_id = "base_link"
oc.weight = 1.0
oc.orientation = orientation #current wrist_roll_link orientation
oc.absolute_x_axis_tolerance = 3.14
oc.absolute_y_axis_tolerance = 3.14
oc.absolute_z_axis_tolerance = 3.14
Moveit still finds a plan, but the plan is seems to ignore the constraints and outputs an error that says:
/move_group GetPositionIK:1025: 0 is < negative number >
The results are the same for position and orientation constraints. The same code seemed to work in the past. Any ideas would be welcome!
Originally posted by velveteenrobot on ROS Answers with karma: 136 on 2017-06-03
Post score: 0